Your Judgements Could Be Hurting Your Animals' Feelings

By James French

As a pet owner you can be helped in a number of ways with animal communication. Understanding your animal from their perspective allows you to give them the best life possible. It can be very easy to place our own thoughts and understanding on animals without really understanding them. This is why animal communication is a valuable pet owner tool.

It is very easy for us humans to place negative feelings on to our animals. I am sure that you will agree with me that it is a horrible feeling when some one makes false judgements about us. So why is it any different when we do the same to our animals!

For example the other day I saw how a dog had been labelled as a bully with other dogs. This strong judgement had been made because the owner had observed that when her dog was around younger or gentle dogs, she would look very friendly but when she got close would snap at them and show aggressive signs.

Yet her dogs behaviour with nervous or protective dogs was very different. She would not go anywhere near them.

Through the animal communication it was clear that she was afraid of intimacy with other dogs! She desperately wanted to be close but did not know how. She was an excellent judge of character and could tell if the dogs were friendly or not at distance. This is why she would only approach the gentle or younger dogs and she was very keen to become friends, but did not know how!

Her wanting to be close to dogs changed as soon as she got to close to them as an overwhelming feeling of shyness and protection took over her.

With this new insight and information it allowed us to create a whole new approach in helping her dog. We focused on keeping her relaxed and very slowly closed the gap between her and other dogs, giving her the time to overcome her shyness. Because she was so desperate to be close to other dogs this made the process easy as everyone was after a common goal.

Understanding our animals from this feeling language gives us the power to really help them. If you are still in a place where you keep asking yourself why they are doing this or that. Then you have not found this connection and understanding that your animal is looking for!

Animal communication is very natural and does not take long to learn. With these skills you will be creating a trusting environment for both you and your animal, as you will understand each other more. It is the same for us humans, when we find someone who understands us we naturally listen to and trust them. Animal communication is the key to a deeper relationship. - 31856

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