Unravel the Mystery of Chakra Healing and Reap its Benefits!

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

What is Chakra

A chakra is the human bodys energy axis that receives, interacts with and conveys life force between an individual and his/her environment. Its direct English translation means a spinning wheel. Furthermore, ancient Hindu writings reveal that of the bodys 88,000 chakra points, there are seven which are considered of primary importance.

Although there is no common denominator between the ancient Hindu and Chinese cultures, they are very similar in their interpretation and explanation about the role of these energy points in our health and lives in general. Both the Hindus and the Chinese look at the bodys major energy points as playing important roles in our conscious and subconscious experiences. And that these seven energy points are the keys to a healthy and successful life.

Chakras are defined in various ways but there is one common thread among all of the definitions and explanations whether from the Chinese medicine point of view, the Hindus mystical understanding of an individuals internal and external experience or modern psychologys explanation of human our consciousness and thought processes.

The chakra unceasing interaction with our body and the environment even during our sleep gives them a direct influence over our physical structure and appearance including our bodily processes, health and our emotions. A glitch of any one of the major chakras is an indicator that something is wrong with our physical/emotional health which may directly or indirectly be noticeable.

Each of these energy points have a direct influence on a particular endocrine gland in our body which is how imbalance and ill health can be made known to us.

Maintaining Chakra Balance Using the above as our starting point, we can then safely conclude that most of our major illnesses and ailments are chakra related. Although there may not be enough physical manifestations of the illness or imbalance (yet) there may be emotions and concerns from way back our childhood that affect us today physically, spiritually or emotionally.

Forgotten or repressed emotional baggage due to traumatic experiences in the past is one of the major causes of chakra imbalance. Since most people have a habit of burying bad memories in their subconscious, we are unaware that these buried emotional toxins have an effect on our bodies at the cellular level. It is therefore necessary to come to terms with our emotional baggage and resolve them in order to maintain the proper balance of our chakra and heal our physical self in the process.

Chakra Healing is Good for Our Body We can directly influence our chakras and their functions and through them our health and lives by employing techniques such as Reiki healing, aromatherapy, color therapy, chakra balancing with the aid of a pendulum, crystals or gemstones.

Simple and straightforward practice of color and aroma therapy, controlled breathing exercises and rhythmic exercise routines, Reiki healing and directed meditation with the use of audio even crystals and gemstones are but some of the ways we can do on our own to influence the process of interaction of our bodys energy points.

For example, the practice of Yoga and directed meditation are but two of the commonly used healing methods to align and enhance our energy points in order for us to achieve total relaxation and concentration regardless of where we are. This is very helpful in relieving stress and enhances the bodys natural healing processes.

Another important factor to consider is that although our chakras can not be seen nor touched, they work on their own to support our body. We have to keep them healthy too.

The human body has to be healthy and fed properly in order for us to have balanced chakras. There are foods that help maintain the balance of each of the seven primary chakras.

Root-type vegetables, protein-rich foods and spices nourish our root chakra. The sexual and creativity (sacral) chakra needs sweet fruits, nuts and cinnamon, vanilla, sesame and caraway seeds; the stomach/solar plexus chakra which is responsible for enhancing our self-confidence and self-love are can be nourished by eating breads, pastas, cereal, dairy products, yogurt and minty spices.

Our energy points that affect the heart and throat are sustained when we eat green, leafy vegetables, drink plenty of liquid, green tea and fruit juices.

Blueberries and grapes are the primary source of nourishment of our energy point for the third eye. It is also helps if we drink wine or grape juice.

The spiritual and emotional center (our crown chakra) of the human body however does not need nutrients but requires detoxification by means of fasting.

With these simple methods of influencing our bodys energy points (chakras), we are at the same time also influencing our physical wellness towards a more responsive way of life completely with our body and our environment. They are very simple ways but very effective at the same time in order for us to achieve a goal of physical and emotional wellness. - 31856

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Amazing Secrets Of Chakra Meditation Therapy

By Nisal Karuiyaratna

According to the ancient Vedic thought, there are seven circles (Chakras) of energy referred to as energy wheels in the human body. These are present along the meridian of the body.

It is generally accepted that there are seven of these chakra energy-wheels, although some practitioners maintain that there are in fact 14.

These begin at the base of the spine/genitals (root chakra) and extend right up to the top of the head (crown chakra).

The base chakra is red. As we go up, the solar plexus has a golden chakra; the belly or womb chakra is orange in hue. The heart has a green chakra, the throat blue and the center of the forehead is indigo. This acts like the third eye. At the crown, the chakra is violet that turns whiter towards its circumference away from the head.

In addition to being associated with colors (wavelengths of light), the chakras are numbered in order one through seven, with the base chakra being number one.

The first of these chakras is responsible for our vitality, sexual and physical health.

Chakra two rules a person's creative powers.

The third commands the power of our will and desires.

The fourth chakra is responsible for our emotions and helps us to both give and receive love.

The fifth chakra is responsible for communicating and is the link between what we feel and what we think.

Chakra six influences a person's intuition, psychic powers and insights, also referred to as the sixth sense.

The seventh chakra connects us with our higher power and the rest of the universe.

It is observed that people, who have divine interventions, are actually focusing the energy of the seventh chakra. This chakra focuses on cosmic awareness. It is this cosmic awareness, which is annexed and passed onto the second chakra during artistic practices. It is accessed on shamanic journeys too.

The chakras spin in their natural state. If they are healthy then they will spin and will then provide you with the optimum energies you need. If however they become unbalanced they can not spin and you will therefore experience illness or sickness in one or more of the areas outlined.

No chakra should be more developed than the others, either. If this happens then addictions, neuroses, obsessive-compulsive disorders, or unintentional cruelty will result.

The chakras can become dirty and clogged through neglect or wrong living. If you eat a poor diet or have a negative or shallow attitude toward sexual relations, you will sully the first, red, basal chakra, and as a result you will suffer from ill health, or broken romantic relationships.

If you constantly think about dark things like working black magic against people, you'll clog up the seventh, purple-white, crown chakra and cut off your access to the cosmic or the divine, leaving you feeling bitter, fearful, and empty.

A healthy, rapid spinning chakra is extremely flexible and is able to open and shut when necessary. This gives it the ability to receive energy from a source which is good, but close when a negative force is attempting to transmit its own bad energy. If it is not healthy however it will be unable to prevent you from receiving this bad energy.

Everyone can control his or her chakras. All it requires is a daily exercise to focus in a balanced way on the energies commanded by these seven chakras. At a determined time each day, you will need to meditate by focusing one by one on the energy of the chakras and how it is apparent in your life. You can even visualize the energy of a particular chakra while carrying out this exercise.

Look at each chakra area by meditating and seeing how its aspects are manifesting in your life. You do this by visualizing your body's energy in that particular chakra. If you become aware that your chakra energy is lacking in any particular category, then you can use meditation to make that particular chakra healthy and balanced.

Some people find it easier to meditate using a gem stone which is the same color as the chakra they are working on which allows them to get a clear image in their mind as to what needs to be done to make it healthier.

Many people find that the simplest way is to listen to the frequencies of each chakra in turn which results in your own chakras resonating with these frequencies, which then results in them becoming completely balanced. - 31856

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Understanding Mental Telepathy

By Rachel Jordan

'Mental telepathy' can be a broad term that encompasses numerous things. It typically means reading the thoughts between people without using normal senses. There is a huge difference however between having an intuitive gut feeling and knowing information that could only be gathered by reading somebody's mind. Both basic and complex skills can be construed as mental telepathy. The different levels of mental telepathy are summarized in this article.


If you are a parent who has tried to tell your kid or spouse something non-verbally by using your body language, eyes and facial expressions, then you would know what Kinesics or non-verbal communication is. In this form of non verbal communication almost everything can be said without speaking by merely using the eyes and expressions and body language. For this kind of communication you need to know the other person well in order to communicate effectively. Its most effective between parents, children, lovers and intimate friends.

Some can argue (with good reason) that this doesn't count as mental telepathy, as the two people are using their senses to communicate (just not with sounds). Technically, this is correct. This doesn't mean, however, that mental telepathy does not play a role. The fact that non-verbal communication occurs most successfully between people who are related (like family), or who have lived together for extended periods of time (like spouses) implies that their minds might be more attuned to each other than to strangers. On the other hand, one could argue that this merely means the two people know each other well enough to understand each others more subtle body language, or have created agreed-upon nonverbal signals to communicate.


Empathy is the ability to recognize, perceive, or directly experience the emotions of others. Some people are very poor at this, and others are very good at this, being able to mentally 'put themselves in another's shoes' and understand how they must be feeling. Empathy can be increased with training and practice. Actors, for example, are able to imitate the emotions of others, even to the point of being able to make themselves spontaneously laugh or cry.

Most people have experienced 'sympathetic pain'"feeling another person's pain as if it were your own. For example, after witnessing someone close to you break their arm, you may experience an uncomfortable feeling or even an ache in your arm, even though you know it's fine. Similarly, when someone close to you is experiencing an overwhelming emotion, such as joy, grief, or depression, you may feel an echo of the same emotion inside you. Finally, there is the phenomena of long distance empathy. In this case, a person suddenly knows"they FEEL it"that someone close to them is in danger, has been hurt, or is in pain, even though they are not near the person at the time.

Psychologists write off such empathetic phenomena as a simple trick of an overactive imagination. At the very least, they do have a point that other senses are being used. Would we be able to feel the sympathetic pain of a broken arm, for example, if we could not actually see the injury? This does not explain, however, the phenomena of long-distance empathy.


There is another kind of telepathy which involves sending and receiving concrete symbols and objects between two people. Here advanced mental telepathy is involved and it is a phenomena outside the five senses. This kind of mental telepathy involves a lot of training, concentration and practice. There is a receiver and a sender involved in this.

The simpler the concept, the easier it is to communicate through thought alone. For example, a color or shape may be easier to convey than an animal.

Zener cards often used in mental telepathy test are an example of this principle. Simple, concrete black-and-white symbols (a circle, square, star, plus sign, and three wavy lines), gives even a random guess a 20% chance of being right. On the other hand, a shared, known, limited set of concrete symbols may increase the coordination of the thoughts between sender and receiver. A success rate of 50% or higher (which have happened) can not be explained away by simple statistics, but may indicate a level of mental telepathy, instead.


Mental telepathy at this level involves abstract concepts like ideas or actions, which are more complex to communicate than colors and shapes. Telepaths rarely achieve this level, and lower success rates are indicated in experiments.

Telepathy shouldn't be ruled out when it comes to animals that seem to communicate ideas to each other through non-verbal actions. Because animal brains lack prefrontal lobes, telepathy would probably not go beyond simplistic ideas such as hunger or danger signals, but many have seen two dogs look at each other and go running for an almost pre-decided location.

Some people feel that initially in the olden days man had the power of telepathy, which declined as language and man, evolved. Assuming this is true, and then right research can show us the right way to rediscover this lost skill.

If enough people can develop these powers, theoretically all humans in the future could use mental telepathy to communicate, according to some scientific beliefs. - 31856

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Learn Telepathy - A Natural Ability!

By Georgia McClough

Every human being can learn telepathy. This ability translates to sensing and transmitting feelings over a distance, without using any of the five physical senses or using words. This kind of mind to mind communication works instantly and can even cross enormous distances.

If you believe that you cannot learn telepathy, think again. You've probably already had some kind of telepathic experience yet did not realize it was happening or didn't interpret it as being telepathic. For instance, you've likely had the experience of suddenly thinking about someone that you haven't spoken to, maybe not even thought of until that moment, for a long time; then, later on that day or the day after, you receive a telephone call, e-mail, or letter from that very person.

What happened was, one or both of you telepathically made contact with the other, transmitting emotions of affection, longing, wonder at their current state of affairs, or something like that.

This telepathic contact sparked them to contact you verbally. Maybe you thought of them first, and they received your feelings and were prompted to contact you. Or, maybe they signaled to you, your thoughts of them were return signals (without you realizing it) and that gave them the go-ahead to make further contact. And it could have been that they were preparing to contact you and you telepathically perceived it before they actually did the action.

Most people have reasons that they believe they can't learn telepathy. Some people have religious beliefs that tell them telepathy is a form of sorcery, or related to the devil. Because of this, these people will suppress any telepathic experiences they have, and will never try to expand their abilities. Many people have been told that telepathy is just superstition, due to the lack of scientific evidence available.

Now, one barrier to people learning telepathy is that there is another myth surrounding telepathy that many who actually use it believe. This is the idea that spoken language is 'inferior' and we only learned it because, for some mysterious reasons, our telepathic abilities decayed over millennia. This is just as untrue as the above-mentioned myths. However, there was a time when words and telepathy went hand in hand -like music and lyrics.

In this analogy, the music is telepathy and the lyrics are spoken language, with each working to enhance the other. Words have the ability to define and clarify telepathic messages, which is why we have them. Unfortunately, dependence on spoken language causes telepathy to be neglected and forgotten.

So, if your interest is peaked and you want to open up new doors of perception and closeness with other people, how can you learn telepathy? It's actually not nearly as difficult as it sounds to the uninitiated. All it takes is what everything takes: practice.

The first thing you need to do if you're going to practice telepathic contact is partner with someone. Ideally, you should choose someone you've been good friends with for a long time. Choose someone who's also open minded about telepathy and, if possible, pick a partner who also wants to learn this method of communication. Beginners benefit from positive reinforcement.

The next thing you need to do is separate from your partner. You shouldn't be able to see or hear one another, or give each other cues. Both of you need to be as relaxed as possible, since being tense tends to interfere with your performance in this and in other activities. Remove stress and worry from your mind and make sure you've got a method to get in touch with your partner. A phone or Internet connection will work well.

Decide who'll go first, then visualize the other person as clearly as you can in your mind. Alternate who is doing this, and imagine a connection between you. This connection can take many forms, but a string of light or something similar are very common images.

Now, 'send' your thoughts about something through that thread or from one light to the other light, like a telephone call or Web cam transmission. Keep your thoughts simple and make them as clear as you can - think about a photograph of your kids you have in front of you or something simple like that for now.

When you feel (literally) that you've completed this telepathic transmission, contact the partner by cellphone, etc, and ask them what if anything they saw in their mind. Once you've compared notes, it's the partner's turn to telepathically send to you.

When you are beginning, if you don't feel that you were able to transmit after 15 minutes, stop for a while. Your first attempts should be kept brief so that you don't exhaust yourselves and so you don't become frustrated and allow negative feelings to settle in.

If you want to learn telepathy, the most important thing is to keep your mind positive about it, and don't give up until you start to get results. You'll be entering into a new and wondrous universe! - 31856

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Ways To Cure Snoring Problem

By Mariah Smith

It is quite natural for humans to snore and everyone snores some or the other time. However, when it has a bad effect on the quality of sleep, snoring becomes detrimental to health. Lack of proper sleep can become the source of lots of health problems, with the individual experiencing tiredness and having a bad temper throughout the day.

Many people think that there is no complete cure for snoring and while that may be true, there are some treatment options which can lower it significantly. Snoring treatment options include a variety of home-based remedies and even medical and surgical alternatives, which are very effective in removing the problem.

Which snoring treatment will be the most suited in your case varies a lot on whether you snore only in a certain sleeping posture and whether the mouth is wide open while snoring. Regular snorers have to resort to surgical and medicinal treatments but mild and intermittent snorers can tackle it through a few alterations in their habits. These lifestyle changes can be lowering your weight, avoiding consumption of some kinds of food and hard drinks, keeping your nasal passage clean, sleeping on one side and keeping you head higher than the rest of the body.

If such lifestyle alterations do not lower your snoring habit , then visiting your physician is a good decision. Doctors can suggest a number of alternatives including use of a mechanical device whose function is to provide air to a mask that is put on when sleeping. Another common solution is using nasal strips that prevent a person from inhaling through the mouth. Yet another cure is use of dental aids like mouth guards, which enable constant breathing and reduced snoring.

Finally, there are a few surgical treatments as well for snoring. Surgery involves removal of obstructing tissues and correcting defects in the nasal region. Pillar procedure is one such surgical treatment for snoring, which involves placing tiny implants on the palate, and is quite effective. - 31856

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Absolute Comfort on the Memory Foam Mattress Pad

By Laurens Gillman

One among the items that man just cannot bypass is comfort. However, how comfortable is just too comfortable? It varies as every one is completely different and unique. For some it may take a heap, however for others it could not. But the bottom line is that man loves comfort and would choose to live in comfort if he had a choice.

The memory foam mattress pad is one in every of the innovations and advancement that has been caused into society. It started as a project at NASA in 1966 but was disregarded for its characteristics that deemed useless for his or her need. It was purported to be a cushion for astronauts during takeoff.

Being viscoelastic polyurethane foam, its characteristic was good for this use. Since the material reacted to temperature, the cooler it had been the firmer the fabric became; then the hotter it became, the softer the fabric became. It had been nice for space shuttles that undergo the hot friction of the atmosphere and then into the vast cold areas of space.

But, when placed in a pressurized cabin, it broke down and emitted gases - this placed it within the "cannot be used projects" folders of NASA. However, it absolutely was presented to the public in the 1980's and a Swiss company set to additional work on it and voila! The Tempur-pedic Swedish Mattress was created. It had been released in 1991, and from that point on, more versions of this was developed. There was the memory foam mattress pad, pillows, slippers, and cushions. As a result of of the advantages it offered the general public, its popularity grew, and presently several other companies manufactured their own memory foam products.

A memory foam mattress pad edges the body as a result of the foam creates an even distribution of weight. In this manner, there are not any pressure points while the person sleeps or just lies in bed to take a rest. It moulds itself into the contour or shapes of the person's back, legs, shoulders, and hips. In other words, it's a excellent support! With this you're less possible to come to life with any backaches or maybe stiff necks. Their slippers additionally supply comfort to your feet by cushioning the ball and heel of the foot, that provides support to the arches. This is final comfort, is not it? When this happens, you'll also rid yourself of any stress that you've got gathered the full day.

But, a memory foam mattress pad must be three to 5 pounds therefore as to be effective. Anything but a pair of pounds is useless - may moreover purchase regular foam. Though memory foam mattresses are ideal for bedridden patients, memory foam mattress pads are ideal for those who use them domestically.

Because the warmth of the body is enough to soften the mattress topper pad thus on mould the contour of your body in it, and also the coolness of the regular mattress beneath is also enough to make it firm on its bottom half that meets the mattress. With such, the person can awaken all feeling refreshed and relaxed. So if your sleep was in absolute comfort, it must be a memory foam mattress pad! - 31856

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How Anyone Can Become A Remote Viewer

By Jason Faux

Imagine for a moment what it would be like to be the remote viewer, especially if you have never taken a remote view or at least remembered being a remote viewer.

A remote viewer can see anything anywhere and at any time. You're not limited by distance or even by time! You can see into the past and observe the earliest dinosaurs in the Triassic era or look into the future to see how the world will be in a few decades' time as well as what's happening on the other side of your block right now.

Anyone in the world can be a remote viewer however, for many they seem to have forgotten or lost their extra senses of perception. There are many different types of extra senses that the majority of humans have let go to waste or perhaps they never had the opportunity to learn more or practice their innate and natural mind powers.

Studies have been conducted on remote viewing, though in these cases the subjects were instructed to focus on something which they were not already familiar. In these remote viewing tests, the subjects were given only a codeword referring to a set of coordinates rather than being told exactly what they would be seeing.

Although the subjects in remote viewing studies may not have been viewing something familiar to them, you certainly can remotely view a place you already know. Like lucid dreaming and astral projection, remote viewing is classified as a psychic ability and it has been studied by the military and intelligence apparatuses of many nations for its possible applications in espionage.

Interestingly enough, being a remote viewer is not something altogether out in left field or strangely odd, since it is something that we are all capable of doing. Whether we know it or not we do have what it takes inside us to enhance and develop our natural born abilities, these do include being a remote viewer.

How can you learn to become a remote viewer?

Remote viewing, like all other psychic abilities are based on your mind power. You need to condition your mind to use its untapped potential and there are several different techniques which can be used to learn remote viewing. Meditation and guided visualization can help you to achieve the necessary state of mind to use remote viewing.

Remote viewing begins with relaxation. You need to relax both mind and body; try out different visualization techniques and meditations to find what works the best for you. Like developing any skill, it will take some time to become a remote viewer. Be patient and keep at it and you'll progress step by step.

Make sure that you won't be distracted while you're practicing to be a remote viewer. Find a place which is quiet and where you can relax without being disturbed. You need to be able to completely relax both body and mind " so you'll need some space all to yourself.

Keep a journal of your remote viewing sessions and write down what tests you give yourself and the results and the details of any images which come to you. This remote viewer logbook is very helpful to you in tracking your progress towards proficiency in this natural ability and determining which techniques perform well for you.

You see, as humans we all naturally have theses gifts, talents or skills however; most often we have forgotten that we do have various psychic abilities. We can awaken and training these natural tools, the will work for us, as we learn how to practice bringing focus to our innermost higher selves.

Being a remote viewer allows you to learn about the past, the future or what's happening right now on the other side of your city or anywhere in the entire universe. - 31856

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Re-Order Your Life With Cosmic Ordering

By Samantha Hill

More and more people are looking for ways to enjoy their lives and fulfill their desires these days. They are trying to accomplish their goals and also satisfy their materialistic and other aspirations. In today's world there are more and more ways of getting the kind of life you want but nothing is as good as cosmic ordering.

Cosmic ordering can be defined as a spiritual practice which allows you to obtain everything that you desire from the universe. It can be likened to an ordering service, where you will get whatever you ask for or want from the universe. However, many people feel that you need to be a 'saint' to get what you want. However, though that can really help but it even works for normal human beings.

In simple terms cosmic ordering means manifesting your goals and dreams through the spiritual way. You can ask for anything or order anything that you desire from the universe from changing your life to getting the partner of your dreams.

Noted spiritual gurus like Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dr. Deepak Chopra reveal that you need to enter a particular energy field known as the field of intent to manifest your desires. This is nothing but a kind of a frequency where we form a spiritual connection with the universe and that's when our desires are physically manifested by the cosmos.

Most of us have done this before though unconsciously and not realized it. There may have been a time when you desired something badly or really wanted something and then you got what you wanted. You may have labeled it as a coincidence but it was actually the cosmos fulfilling your order.

Power of intention is vital to cosmic ordering since intention is nothing but an amalgamation of our innermost faith and desires. We need to have complete conviction that we deserve what we want and really want it. This is the only way to make cosmic ordering work.

There are many people who may say that they want a new house or a coveted promotion or job. However, deep inside consciously or subconsciously they may not believe that they worked hard to get their wishes or that they deserved it. For this to work, you need to believe that you deserve what you are asking for.

It's not as tough as it sounds, cosmic ordering is really easy. It has its own cons as well since if you order negative or think about negative things they will also be delivered to you by the cosmos!

Hence, people who are always scared of losing their job may even see their fear coming true one day. Therefore just think of the good things that you want. Don't think about the bad ones.

There are many people who have been living in bad conditions and have been conditioned to believe that they don't deserve anything. For these people manifesting what they truly want is almost next to impossible.

The subconscious mind can even resist the change and become a foe to prevent us from changing our lives. Therefore, to succeed in cosmic ordering, you need to condition your subconscious to believe that you deserve all the good things of life and are ready to accept them.

To really be successful in ordering what you need from the cosmos, you need to prepare your subconscious mind to believe that you are worthy of being happy and getting what you want. It's not a tough thing to change the beliefs and innermost thoughts of your subconscious. There are various tools like meditation, affirmations and hypnosis which can change that

Since the time this secret has been revealed, millions of people have actually used cosmic ordering to make their lives fun and have everything that they ever wanted. Now it's your turn to get what you want through cosmic ordering. - 31856

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Getting Started With Yoga

By Jen Cook

For the past several years I've practiced yoga regularly. My mind has become crystal clear, my body is tone, I'm flexible, and feel better than ever. For me it was not easy to get started, so I'd like to share some tips to help you get over the initial hump.

If you've begun practicing yoga or have only done it a few times, but cant find the motivation to keep going, these helpful tips might bring you that feel-good feeling that motivates you to keep coming back for more. Yoga is such a great practice and I guarantee that if you keep with it and do it a minimum of once a week, within a month you'll feel more energetic, happier, and your mind will be crystal clear. Once you get over the initial hurdles, you'll start to feel the true benefits of a limber and flexible body and the feeling of a clear mind.

Get a strap Yoga Straps help you reach further by providing resistance where you'd normally not have any. Using a strap will quickly help you reach to those feet!

Take deep and frequent breaths It's critical to focus on your breathing because this is what helps you get deep into your stretches and realize vast improvements. Every time you breathe in, pull back a little bit. Then, as you breath out, push yourself deeper into the stretch. Repeat this for all your poses and stretches.

Clear your mind During the end of your stretches, spend lots of time relaxing your body and free your mind. Doing this will give you the biggest rewards. Focus on thinking about nothing and just observe the benefits that you're feeling from the stretches you just did. I guarantee you that doing this for at least 15 minutes will leave you feeling better than ever.

Protect your joints with a thick matIf you get an extra thick yoga mat, you'll have a lot more support and padding for any stretches that are joint intensive...if you sweat a lot, there are several mats out there that are skidless and have good traction so that you don't slip.

I hope this finds you well and inspires you to get going with a regular yoga routine. Your mind and your body will thank you! - 31856

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Astral Project Yourself To Another Dimension

By John Pereira

Everyone is born with the ability to perform astral projection. The only difference between people who do it often and the ones who do not is practice. The art of astral projection is ancient in the same way as yoga or meditation and deserves respect. It is known by many different names and types. There are also various ways to accomplish astral projection.

Lucid dreaming is a form of astral projection. Lucid dreaming refers to the state of being aware that you are dreaming. Once you are aware that you are dreaming you can do anything you want in the dream. It is very easy to astral project when you are lucid dreaming. As soon as you realize you are dreaming you need to consciously say to yourself 'I am dreaming.'

You can do anything you want once you wake up in your dream. This may be a little too random for beginners to be successful enough to astral project.

You need to believe that astral projection does work and is a reality. You have already experienced it but you do not realize it. Have you ever remembered a dream vividly upon awakening? The memory is so vivid that it feels as though you actually experienced it. This indicates you had an astral projection.

It is very important to have confidence that you can astral project. This will ensure you have a better chance of being successful at having an astral projection experience.

Learning to relax and meditation is another helpful tool when learning to astral project. Your mind and body needs to be prepared to achieve astral projection. Meditation is a great preparation for the experience. Find a meditation you like and practice it.

A fairly simple meditative practice could be sitting in your favorite comfy chair, in a quiet place with no distractions. Once you are comfortable it is time to clear your head of anything and everything that is floating around in there. Do not focus on any stresses or troubles that are burdening you. The best way to do this is to focus on your breathing, your breathing should be deep and slow. With each breath you should see all the troubles in your head leaving you through your mouth. This will help you reach that deeply relaxed state that is needed to astral project.

You then have to be reach an altered state of consciousness. You can simply continue to work on your breathing, your focus now is not going to be to get rid of the stresses, it is to truly focus on the way you are breathing, your head is clear. The breaths that you are taking should be deep, coming in through the nose and going out of the mouth. As your breathing is slowing and deepening you need to focus on your relaxing on your body.

Begin with your toes and move on up your body telling each part to relax. When you breathe out, tell each part of your body to relax. You can also tense the muscles up first and then relax them, whichever works best for you.

The best way to describe what you are going to feel is heavy it is going to feel as though all of the energy and tension is slipping away from each part of your body. You will know it when it happens. Once you have relaxed each part of your body it is time for you to move to the next step that is going to help you astral project.

You will want to go to sleep by now, but do not do that. Find a way to stay alert. Try repeating a command as some experts recommend such as 'Im flying, Im flying.' It does not matter what it is, just something to keep you alert enough to avoid falling asleep.

An inactive mind gets bored easily; you may find yourself drifting into some random thoughts. Do not allow this to happen. If this does happen then you will need to start over. You need to keep repeating the phrase you select to keep your mind from wandering.

To reach the state of altered consciousness you can use the phrase you chose or another way. The body of light method involves picturing an area of light that you will change into. Picture the light in your mind and imagine yourself going into it and becoming a part of it.

There are three feelings you are going to experience that will help you know that your astral body is going. First you are going to feel as though you are moving, then you are going to see lights and colors in front of your eyes (remember that your eyes are closed) this is simply the astral body moving into the astral world. Finally, you will hear voices that are going to be telling you to either stop what you are doing or encouraging you to continue. When you get to that third part you have successfully astral projected. - 31856

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Is Instant Lucid Dreaming Really Possible?

By Trevor Albitt

Lucid Dreaming or Conscious Dreaming is the art of being aware that one is actually dreaming. In simple words, while in dream, you are aware that all the events are not happening in fact, or 'It's Just A Dream!' kind of situation. There is certain amount of control you can exercise while lucid dreaming, which is not the case in normal dreams.

Having control over your dreams is an incredible experience. Everything which you thought you couldn't keep from holding you back from your goals just falls before you and you have new found mental clarity, even when awake.

But is it as simple as it looks like? Can everyone experience lucid dreaming and bring to life what otherwise seems difficult or impossible in this reality?

As it happens, lucid dreaming is not all that difficult. If you really want to use this technique to tap into the power of your mind, you can do so. There are proven ways to get you to your goal.

Foremost, you must be absolutely clear about your objective in trying to master the art of lucid dreaming. Do you just want to have your own private playground in the form of lucid dreams, or there is some specific reason for developing this skill? Whatever may be the reason, it should be crystal clear in your mind.

The next step is to learn the techniques of reaching the mental state where lucid dreaming is possible. You'll have to begin learning dream recall, which is simply remembering your dreams. To begin lucid dreaming, you need to first be able to recall every detail of the dreams that you have.

The process is slow, but it can be achieved by maintaining a Dream Recall Register in which you enter as many details as you can remember about your dreams daily. Slowly but surely, you'll realize that you can remember even the most vivid details of your dreams. Periodic reality checks during the course of dreaming will train your mind to be aware in dreams.

Many people have found that hypnosis can drastically reduce the time needed to prepare your subconscious mind to experience lucid dreaming. Often just one of two hypnosis sessions will allow you to consistently remember all of your dreams. Once this occurs your mind is then conditioned for lucid dreaming.

While in a lucid dream, it may happen that suddenly, you are wide-awake. However, with the power that you have attained so far, you'll be easily able to recollect all the important details of the dream. Now, just try to relax and sleep again, while continuing the dream with the desired directions. When you wake up, you'll realize the real power of conscious dreaming you just experienced the night before.

Another great way to have lucid dreams is to go back to sleep for a couple of hours after you wake up in the morning. These dreams are the closest to lucid dreams as they leave you wondering if they were actually dreams or your thoughts manifested in the form of a purported event. You can easily set an alarm to go off a couple of hours before your scheduled wake-up time. And when the alarm sounds, just wake-up, switch it off, and go to sleep in order to enjoy lucid dreams.

When learning lucid dreaming, it helps to be well aware of your sleep patterns so you know when the best times for you to have lucid dreams are.

Lucid dreaming can actually help you fight sleeping disorders, like insomnia. Whenever you are struggling to sleep at the normal sleeping hours, you just need to tell your mind that sleeping equals lucid dreaming, and your mind will take care of all the thoughts that are preventing you from falling asleep.

Lucid dreaming used to be something which took a very long time to learn. Recent technological advances, particularly in the field of audio technology have made lucid dreaming something which anyone can easily accomplish.

Many people are finding that the most reliable and certainly quickest way, of having a lucid dream is by listening to binaural beats audios.

Binaural beats audio is the playing of frequencies which are slightly different from each other, one in each ear. This causes a feeling of deep relaxation and brings brain waves into the proper state for lucid dreaming.

Before binaural audio technology, meditation was the method of choice for those wanting to learn lucid dreaming, and this was a process which could sometimes take years to master. Many simply gave up, not having the determination to pursue the practice.

Binaural sound waves, especially in tandem with hypnosis can prepare your mind and allow you to begin lucid dreaming very quickly, sometimes even on the first try! - 31856

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Is Past Life Regression For 'Normal' People?

By Steve Bartlett

Although it is believed that only twenty-five percent of people today believe in reincarnation doesn't mean reincarnation isn't real. Have you ever realized you had a certain talent, or felt a connection with something but never understood why? Most people have felt that from time to time, and can't seem to understand why. Perhaps it was something to do with one of our past lives.

Ignoring the validity of this, and the possibility of overlooking the opportunity to truly grow as a person by finding out why. They don't realize that if you can get in touch with your past life you can build on your success and personal achievement in this life.

Through many studies, it has been shown that past life regression could be a powerful tool to helping those people who suffer form emotional problems.

The biggest and most common benefit of life regression is clearing trauma and promoting healing from within. When faced with trauma we can either face the problem to fix it, or we can run.

If you use past life regression you are given the option to go back to where the problem stemmed from. Which life the problem started in, fix it, and bring the attribute to act as an inner guide.

Karma has a wonderful knack of always coming back to us. Through past life regression, we can free ourselves from past contracts or agreements if they are causing us issues today. We can use the help of an inner guide to go back to the life in which the contract or agreement was originally made and modify it or remove it completely to help with our current situation. We can actually re-write that past contract we once made.

Affirmation of oneself is a huge benefit of going through our past life regression.

Very often those people who go through past life regression feel more grounded, and better rounded as a person knowing exactly how they are the person they are today. This is because they know where their talents, characteristics, passions, connections, and desires originated from. This information about their own selves helps them to embrace who they are as a person and live a more well-rounded life.

Experts in this field will agree, that if a person truly wants to improve or enhance their own lives, they need to practice past life regression. This will help you remember who you were in your past life and teach you how to be more fulfilled this time.

Perhaps you feel that certain events or feelings you have are just made up in your mind, but you need to open your mind and break down the walls and stop what is blocking you from achieving total satisfaction in your life.

A quick recap of what was mentioned is that through the benefits of past life regression, you can deal with traumatic events from the past so that they don't bind you in your personal life today. Dealing with them from your past life will help you live a better equipped life for dealing with decisions you need to make today.

As history likes to repeat itself, if you know your history you can change it. Perhaps in a past life you were very dishonest. With that knowledge and the knowledge of remembering the punishment you may have endured from being dishonest, can help you to change your ways and not be the same in this life.

Most importantly through past life regression you will have a better understanding of why you act the way you do today and exactly who you are and what made you that way. You can be successful and well rounded in life, living your life to it's fullest potential by taking advantage of all the skills and talents you once had. - 31856

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Discover the Secret to Producing Amazing Results in Less Time and With Less Effort!

By Mark Romero

As business owners, operators and entrepreneurs, we are always seeking ways to enhance our performance and create extraordinary results. What would you say if there was a way to create exponential results and dramatic breakthroughs regardless of economic conditions, and in less time and with less effort? Throughout my career I have been able to produce extraordinary results in sales and profitability, and

Many of us believe that business growth is a linear process and that progress was to be measured in small incremental steps, and that external conditions dictated the results we produce. I was never satisfied with this belief and continually challenged the paradigms that so many of us have adapted as truth. As a result I was continually able to demonstrate that it was not only possible to shatter old performance standards, but that it could happen on a continual basis easily and effortlessly.

Many of us believe that business growth is a linear process and that progress was to be measured in small incremental steps, and that external conditions dictated the results we produce. I was never satisfied with this belief and continually challenged the paradigms that so many of us have adapted as truth. As a result I was continually able to demonstrate that it was not only possible to shatter old performance standards, but that it could happen on a continual basis easily and effortlessly.

Through my introduction to quantum physics, I began to understand how it was possible to go from point A to point B not slowly but surely, but instantly and exponentially! There is a way to create extraordinary results in less time and with less effort, and we can be successful beyond our wildest dreams and open the door for miraculous results regardless of what is going on in the world around us. Here are some powerful mindsets that I guarantee will begin the process for amazing breakthroughs:

1) Quit working harder: There was a point in my career where I decided that I was going to quit working long hours and begin to integrate the important things back into my life. Almost instantly my sales began to grow exponentially and my state of being was one of enthusiasm and passion. Where can you tone things back in your work and what have you cut out of your life that you can reintegrate back into your schedule?

2) Stop filling your mind with things contrary to your success: What you think and focus your thoughts upon ultimately impact the results you create in your business and life. Stop tuning into the gloom and doom of the news, hanging around with people that constantly complain, and stop all complaining out of your mouth. Instead fill your mind with positive thoughts and inspirations and watch how things will begin to improve.

3) Take care of you: When we get caught up in our business we often forget to take care of the person in the mirror. We are the center of our universe. When we take better care of ourselves we can really create positive shifts in our lives. When you feel better you will be amazed at the things that can happen. Start allocating some time to take care of you. The old ways of doing business are quickly becoming obsolete. To thrive and truly create unprecedented levels of success in our lives, we are going to have to implement new mindsets and try completely new approaches to business.

The old ways of doing business are quickly becoming obsolete. To thrive and truly create unprecedented levels of success in our lives, we are going to have to implement new mindsets and try completely new approaches to business. It all starts within. It is there that we find our power and potential to create an extraordinary life! - 31856

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Clearing Your Chakras and Cleansing Your Life

By Jai Dahalli

The secret of success in todays times is to reinvent yourself constantly keeping in mind that you do not lose heart and keep on motivating yourself and keep moving towards giving your 100%.

There are various other determinants of uninterrupted growth which include the body strength as well as the mental makeup and the passion within the heart of an individual. A fairly crucial part is played by centres of spiritual energy in your body as they help in development of the persona of an individual.

The chakras are the source that can allow your will and desires to process into ability and skill which lead to your achievement of success with the desired results. However if not given proper attention these skills may reach a point of stagnation and hence require constant process of up gradation which is the called chakra clearing.

Since each chakra in our body has relevance with various aspects we need to understand and ensure that all of them are paid adequate attention, the seven chakras in your body lie between the bottom of your spine and the head.

In the process of clearing chakras the body gets rid of the negative energy in you in order to intake positive energy and stabilize it.

Your body movements that are anticlockwise are said to be movements that help the removal of negative energy while clockwise movements bring in the positive vibes.

Due to the inflow and outflow of energy there can be pain experienced in various body parts but that is just a proof of occurrence and not a side effect.

It is believed that the circles or the chakras in your body derive energy from the planets and the heavenly bodies and allow the human mind, body and soul to function in the right direction.

Once your chakras are cleared you will find a newer self in front of you, while many practise this on a regular basis, the intervals do vary as per the need and intent of individuals.

You would see that after clearing chakras you would be able to develop a better ability to respond to various situations, also you would find yourself discovering newer thoughts and ideas, in fact people are able to see a newer side of their personality often after they have cleared and balanced their chakras.

The process of clearing chakras can start by paying attention to 1-2 of the circles of energy in your body and in the process try to get all your chakras cleared as only then you will be able to enjoy the advantage of your energies. People would be able to experience peace of mind as well as they tend to be relaxed.

The chakras that need you attention can be known by the kind of reaction they give to your body and it will not take years of learning or knowledge to understand the indications, it would happen naturally, once you know you can work on the body part that related to the chakra.

Todays competitive world demands a lot of agility and awareness and without the right approach and the correct balance of all your energies making your abilities count as performance would be quite difficult.

People have realised that inner energies play an important role in their lives, personal as well as professional, and also there is a conscious attempt made by people to understand and utilize its benefits.

The chakras if implemented correctly would get you glory, fame and name and all things you have desired. It brings your life oozes of fresh energy. - 31856

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Why Isochronic Tones Beat Binaural Beats - Isochronic Tones

By Veronica Carrillo

For me and many others, this week so far has been a stressful one as we pick up from where we left off before the holidays. Also in the spirit of New Year's resolutions it seemed appropriate to help you weather the storm.

It is rather amazing that simply doing some deep breathing can have such a profound effect on your health and state of mind. Couple that with some light meditation and one can reap many benefits in just a few minutes a day. Finding a quiet spot to perform some breathing exercises may seem to be a challenge but you owe it to yourself to make the time - ideally at the beginning of the day after waking or at the end of your day before retiring. However, any time you feel the need to take a break from things during the day can help significantly reduce your blood pressure and get you back to feeling yourself.

The Most Inventive Combination of Brainwaves? Alpha brainwaves occur when we turn our attention inward, away from the details and problems of everyday physical reality. While Alpha waves can appear with our eyes open and fixed on a single spot, for most of us they occur more readily with eyes closed - a literal tuning out of the external world. In Alpha, we are either starting to fall asleep or, if meditating, beginning a journey towards the creativity and greater intelligence that can seldom be heard above the cacophony of waking thoughts.

Christian Meditation in Action Christian meditation involves the process of actively thinking on scriptures. We give ourselves to the study of the Word by immersing ourselves in it in various ways. It also involves praying over it and asking God to give us understanding by His Spirit; who promised to lead us in all truth.

"The Spirit of truth will guide you in all truth." -- John 16:13 Following the discovery and understanding of these truths, we are to put them into action in our lives. A commitment is made to make the things of God our standard for daily living. Meditate on the Word of God until it becomes more real to you than anything else. Begin to make the power of meditation a daily habit. Then act on the truths revealed by the Holy Spirit. This will cause spiritual growth in your life and bring success.

* Trust me - it really helps! On a related note, it is important to recognize the signs of heart and anxiety attacks especially due to stress by taking time out of your busy schedule to learn CPR. The skills you will receive may just save the life of someone you care about and possibly yourself if you can stay aware during those tense moments. Make a difference today - keep learning! - 31856

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Past Regression - Why It Is Vital To Your Future

By Lesley Lockwood

Past life regression teaches different techniques, which when learned and put into practice, will help you to recall your previous life or lives. Of course you will need to decide which of the available methods is best for you. With more and more people beginning to be interested in reincarnation people are needing to find out about these different techniques.

One way to start is in keeping a journal. All it involves is writing down all of your thoughts including what is viewed as trivial experiences. Even your emotions. Emotions maybe the strongest clues to a past life. Like an unreasonable fear of bridges. This journal is helpful when you are starting to see patterns as you refer back to it.

To start with you should begin your journal by describing yourself thoroughly. Write about your likes and your dislikes. Describe what food you enjoy, what phobias (if any) that you have. If you find that you feel a particular affinity with a time period in history, or with a certain culture or even climate, write about that as well. Do not forget to write about what your talents are, and what you enjoy doing. Even writing about animals that you feel drawn to, or perhaps afraid of, can prove useful. Describe your personality and if you experience things like deja vu. If you do, record your experiences when you have them.

Your journal is also useful for recording the details of your dreams if you can remember them. Dreams can provide vital clues for our past life but it is important to remember that our dreams contain information from our current life as well, nevertheless, it is useful to record any dreams that you have.

Another way to go is Past life Regression.

Past lif regression involves hypnosis and can, in some cases, be achieved without the assistance of a professional. However seeing a professional and trained past life regression therapist can be very beneficial for those who cannot do self-hypnosis. The therapist will guide the client through the regression and then, with your help, interpret the information gleaned during the regression.

Many people use Meditation as a way to find out about their past lives.

Because this technique means that there is no professional in attendance, many people find it difficult to trust what they get during the regression. However, when it comes to meditation, you have to be able to trust not only your feelings but your instincts as well.

While meditation may feel like daydreaming to you, something of importance may come through as images start to flow through. Your journal maybe of help here too.

Things to help you in your meditation maybe things like music, a visual focus point or burning a pleasant smelling incense or a combination of them. Prerecorded guided meditation tapes maybe what you need or a soothing sound like water will be of help. If that isn't helping this may.

Binaural beats.

Binaural Beats is an audio recording that allows you to listen to different frequencies in each ear which aligns the two hemispheres of the brain. Using this tool can assist you in achieving the same meditative state that Zen monks reach. It is important that you choose somewhere quiet and free from distractions when you meditate. You need to ensure that whether you are lying down or sitting that you are completely comfortable and relaxed.

It is important that you are relaxed and that you are not distracted by thoughts about everyday things. Simply acknowledge the thought so that it does not keep recurring, and so that you do not forget it, then put it out of your mind. Remember that meditation does not just happen, it takes practice before you will reach a true meditative state.

Sometimes meditation can help with that which you are confronting in your current life. Many discover that the people around them are people they shared a past life with. Although this might seem strange a simple bit of research can confirm or deny the information gleaned from the regression meditation.

Reincarnation is present in every religion from Christianity to the Hindus. Some of these religions so strongly believe in reincarnation that they believe that any thing you do in one life for either good or bad will be paid for in the next life known as Karma. Then again knowing what happened to you in the past life may help you make a positive change in this one.

Although it may be difficult for you it is important that you keep an open mind to enable you to accept whatever information about your past life that comes through. This information can be very beneficial to your present life, because you are able to learn from the past mistakes that you made and as a result enjoy a fuller, richer current life.

Many experts in these area feel that has very positive impacts on your life now due to fore mentioned, learning from the past and if you still don't accept past lives your subconscious may free a block in your mind that has had a negative effect on your body. There are other benefits from having done a past life regression.

Practically speaking, past life regression enables you to identify those things you did in a past life that resulted in negative consequences and not repeat those same mistakes. It is important for the well-being of your present life that you address the issues from the previous ones.

But past life regression can also help you to understand why you are the only artistic one in your family, especially once you have discovered that you were an artist in a previous life. You will be able to identify the talents you had in your past life and apply them to your current life, thereby enriching it all the more.

Overall, Past life regression sounds like a positive process to go through. It may give you insight to yourself even if you can't accept it consciously. - 31856

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Can You Benefit From Past Life Regression?

By James A Simmeon

There is no denying the fact that the belief in past life, or reincarnation, is prevalent across the board in almost every religion, from Christianity to Hinduism to Buddhism to Kabalah. And the interest of humans in knowing as much as possible about their past lives is also quite widespread. But how many of us are interested in knowing about our past lives in order to make a positive change in our present lives?

What lures most people to explore their past lives is the intriguing nature of it. Somewhat like living a real life science fiction movie, remembering our past lives is a little off the beaten path to say the least. The thing to consider is that Past Life Regression can benefit us greatly in our present life.

Even scientists agree that using Past Life Regression can be used effectively to make changes for the best in anyone's life. You can learn from the trauma you suffered in your past life and the mistakes you made as well.

Normally you would go to a professional on Past Life Regression for a hypnosis session, but you can do this through self-hypnosis also. You can also find more tools online to help if you wish to do this.

Try simple affirmations to help you. You need your subconscious mind to accept that it is okay to remember your past lives as it is more normal for you to 'block out' these memories.

It is necessary to accept certain things before you attempt to use Past Life Regression to explore your past lives.

Past life is a part of our present life. The memory of events from previous lives is hidden somewhere in the unconscious that just needs some external help to bring it to life.

You cannot just know about your past life and expect your life to improve. You have to take the necessary steps to put this information to use before it will benefit you.

You can use your experiences in your past lives to make changes for the better in your present life. Knowledge of your past will help in your present and future life. You will learn from the mistakes of the past.

Some people however, for various reasons find it impossible to believe in reincarnation. However Past Life Regression can be of immense help in either changing your life for good or helping in avoidance of commission of big mistakes in present life even if you think that all the events you remember are merely the results of a fertile imagination.

There are a couple of good reasons for using Past Life Regression whether you believe in it or not. The following is the two main reasons to do this according to experts:

a) If you make a positive change in your life due to your experience with Past Life Regression then this is due to the fact that what you experienced was a past life memory.

b) It is ok if you think you imagined the events you see because it will still help you to improve your life. The thoughts you have will help clear your mind and free you from things that are holding you back.

What benefits should you expect from Past Life Regression?

1) It helps our present life by making us deal with the traumatic events of the past.

2) We can think more clearly and make better decisions due to this experience.

3) If you know what you have done in the past to hurt someone and suffered the consequences you will change this behavior. Remembering the past life where you have done this will make you take a second look at your present behavior.

4) It helps in bringing to the fore the hidden talents and skills. There are certain talents you had in the past life that remain obscure in the unconscious mind of the present life. The acknowledgment and bringing out of such talents could change your life for good forever.

5) Understanding the past life experiences answers a lot of burning questions about one's attributes, personality, characteristics, etc. in the present life.

Whether you believe in it or not, Past Life Regression will help you make changes for the better in your life. It is something everyone should try. It cannot hurt to make an effort to live a better life. - 31856

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Free Resources to Learn to Meditate

By Keira Adams

Nothing calms the mind and body like meditation and relaxation. You needn't buy expensive clothing, equipment or a gym membership to learn to meditate. All you need is an open mind and a strong desire to learn. The internet is a treasure trove of resources on the various types of meditation and methods of practice. Once you learn the basic principles behind meditation, you'll be able to introduce the concepts to your daily life and engage in spiritual practice. Today, many people are meditating -- not just Buddhists -- but people from all cultures and faiths.

Visual learners often learn how to meditate best by watching videos and there is certainly no shortage of meditation video choices on www.youtube.com. You can watch the following short videos for a good basic understanding: Daily Meditation (www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmA-dWdaI5k), How to Meditate from Howcast (www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejruLy2Cf_o), How to Meditate with Buddhist Vipassana techniques (www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLcIQEbLyUg), How to Practice Buddhist Breathing Meditation (www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXVeZYHDe1M&feature=related), Meditation for Contemporary People (www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeEDKBxkNgM), Mindfulness with Jon Kaban-Zinn (www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nwwKbM_vJc), Observing Yourself Guided Meditation (www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Oj-eavtpo) and The Third Eye Chakra Meditation (www.youtube.com/watch?v=v070U4PhfH0).

Another popular learn to meditate website is The American Monk's site (www.theamericanmonk.com). The "American Monk" himself was a man named Burt Goldman, an 81-year-old who has written several books, started a distinguished photography hobby, learned to paint, taught himself to sing and began his own business -- all in the last few years! According to Goldman, he has uncovered a way to slow down aging, acquire new skills and maintain perfect health through meditation! This website, maintained by prolific blogger John Lake, offers up 7 free lessons from Burt Goldman that include a short explanatory text read by Burt and 3 guided meditation exercises. This instruction can be an enjoyable introduction to transcendental meditation in a very practical and contemplative way.

Perhaps you'd rather not spend hours on the internet in your learn to meditate quest. A good book to start with is How To Meditate: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Art and Science of Meditation (John Novak), which provides you with step-by-step methodology and illustrations to help you grasp the meditation techniques. You'll learn about relaxation and meditation techniques, ways to develop intuition, how to locate energy centers in the body and more about the yoga philosophy. Another book to check for is How to Meditate: An Illustrated Guide to Calming the Mind and Relaxing the Body (Paul Roland), which takes a practical approach in teaching you about basic relaxation techniques, meditation breathing, creating a sanctuary, visualizing, energy activation and mantra meditation affirmations.

Given all the free resources online, you can learn to meditate if you have the desire. Many Americans live their entire lives feeling as though something is missing. How can Buddhist monks detach themselves from powerful emotions, earthly pleasures and wants, and be so virtuous and wise? These qualities of self-discipline, steadiness of mind and openness of spirit are enviable to many. The secret seems to be in their spiritual code that's packed with different meditation methods all directed at the same aim -- to transcend the temptations and stresses of earthly living and connect with a higher power. - 31856

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How to Manage Your Stress With Hypnosis Meditation

By Keira Adams

Many of us know about hypnotism, however there are still a number of unbelievers to be found. In contrast, meditation has grown to be more of an established activity in the western world, even though individuals in other countries have been practicing this form of relaxation for generations. And with today's crazy schedules, exercises for stress relief are a requirement for survival. If you believe that you may want to try hypnosis meditation, here are a few guidelines that may enable you to to get started.

Using a combination of the ideas of meditation and hypnosis might be very effective in helping you to reorganize your life, get your health in order, or even handle grief. If you're considering practicing these one at a time prior to combining them, this might enable you to have added success. Thus, if you know that you have a demanding lifestyle and are looking for a way to take a little time for yourself, you might wish to meditate each morning before leaving the house.

All you'll need to do is find a calm place in your house or outside where you are sure that you'll find complete silence for no less than ten minutes. Start by concentrating on your breathing and calming your body, while emptying your mind of negative and disruptive thoughts. This is part of the explanation for why hypnosis meditation is so beneficial for many individuals, because the endeavor involves being relaxed and modifying the mindset.

During hypnosis, you are experiencing a process of modifying the way that you interpret certain events in your life. People tend to pick up habits and emotional complexes as a result of things that have happened to them throughout their life, and this leads them to associate certain people and circumstances with pain or confusion. When you are under hypnosis, you're essentially getting rid of the pictures in your mind (genuine or perceived) that lead to bad habits, and you are replacing these images and thoughts with ones that you will benefit from. Once you add hypnosis meditation to this process, your hypnotherapy sessions might be enhanced, and you will find that you'll start to act in a different way in many circumstances.

One more of the good things concerning hypnosis meditation is that it's a fairly affordable therapy. You can go to a specialist to steer you through the undertaking (this is recommended if you are trying it for the first time), or you can do it on your own if you search out proper information on how to undergo the process. You can visit a number of internet health sites that will give you more details. - 31856

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Meditation Techniques For Grounding And Renewal

By Thaya Kareeson

Meditation has been studied in-depth over the years. This research has shown that meditation can lower blood pressure, calm the mind, reduces anxiety, provides energy and even helps reduce heart disease, depression and headaches. All people, no matter what the background, educational level or age can benefit from meditation. Let us learn about several common and relatively simple meditation techniques to put into practice.

Grounding meditation brings you back into the here and now if you are feeling out-of-sorts, unable to concentrate and easily distracted. Unlike other meditation techniques, grounding meditation will boost your energy and able to concentrate easily.

Visualization and your imagination are the only two things you will need in order to do a grounding meditation. First, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Next think about a golden chain that runs through your body up to the ends of the universe and down to the center of the Earth.

Look at the thread coming out of the crown of your head. In your imagination picture following it up and up and up through the atmosphere, past the Sun and continuing on until you reach a great light at the edge of space. The thread embeds itself into the great light and becomes inseparably part of the light.

Now picture the golden string moving from your body, into the Earth's crust, past rocks, minerals and all of the different layers of Earth until it finally comes to the middle. You see a yellowish ball of light, the light that is responsible for all of the Earth's energy. Once again, the golden string binds itself to the yellow light. As it joins to the light, you feel connected to the Earth and completely grounded and calm.

Now notice how firm Earth is below your feet, centering you with its Energy. When you come out of your meditation you see that you are energized and ready to meet your tasks with good concentration and quickness of thought.

One of the most straightforward of the active meditation types is the walking meditation. You get exercise and meditative benefits from a walking meditation. A walking meditation is an excellent tension breaker and does not take much time. Even little bits of time are worth your while. Remember not to take the dog, though. It wouldn't be very meditative, I am afraid.

Start walking at a comfortable pace. Be aware of the sensations of your body. Feel your feet hitting the road and the wind blowing. Notice the temperature on your skin. Notice your breathing coming in and going out. Focus on that particular moment in time. If your mind wanders, just let the thought slip through your mind without giving it attention.

Some people find it helpful to listen to calm music during their walking meditation. Others prefer focusing on saying a mantra, phrase or prayer in their head. Or, just focus on body sensations. Once you are finished walking you should be feeling rest and ready to go.

Meditation does not have to be something mysterious, done only by monks sitting on cushions in a temple in Tibet. Everyone can find a meditation technique that appeals to them. Meditation can be done at any time of the day or night, and any repetitive activity (such as raking leaves, doing the dishes, painting, etc.) can be made meditative and easily fit into daily life. - 31856

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Relaxing Into the New Year With Massage Therapy

By Adriana Noton

Everyone wants to start the New Year off with changes that will make their life better. For many people, this means getting healthier, including finding ways to relax and reduce stress. One way to start the year off right is to relax into the New Year with massage therapy.

Massage therapy is a great way to begin the New Year relieving stress and improving ones overall health. It helps one relax the muscles, decrease the heart rate, boost blood circulation, increase the hormones called endorphins which are natural pain relievers, and reduce blood pressure, With massage therapy, one will feel more relaxed, alert, focused, and less stressed.

Massage therapy can benefit all ages. Elderly persons in need of palliative care will benefit from massage therapy. As well, a massage can help infants relieve a baby with belly gas. It can help maintain firm muscles and improve blood flow to and from the heart. A massage boosts circulation thereby removing wastes and toxins from the body much faster. Massage therapy supplies can also ease muscle and ligament tension which reduces pain. As well, muscles spasms will be greatly decreased. Massage therapy also improves deep breathing which can help one manage stress and help people manage breathing conditions such as asthma.

One can choose from a number of different types of massages such as: a Deep Tissue Massage will soothe deep sore muscles and tissues, a Swedish Massage increases the flow of energy through the body, and a Hot Stone Massage relaxes the muscles so that more pressure can be applied to the area. Massage therapy has a therapeutic affect and improves one's circulatory, immune, muscular, and nervous systems. Massage therapy will involve using massage oils. Different oils have different benefits. For instance, safflower is a blood purifier, almond oil reduces swelling, and olive oil loosens tight muscles. These oils naturally enhance the massage experience. Essential massage oils are also used for aromatherapy. Aromatherapy helps to improve ones emotional and mental well being.

Massage therapy has become a popular form of treatment for not only athletes, but for people from all walks of life. Such lifestyle stresses as increased work hours, more physical activities, and more financial stresses, have resulted in many people seeking massage therapy. A qualified and certified massage therapist can identify the problem area and provide much needed relief, whether it is stress relief or relief from a physical injury. Relief from stress can even help ones physical health. For instance, high levels of stress increases the risk of heart disease. Massage therapy is a healthy way to reduce mental stress, tension-related headaches, anxiety, and promotes ones ability to achieve calm thinking, a relaxed state of mental alertness, and enhances an overall sense of positive well being.

If your previous year was full of stress and anxiety, starting the New Year with relaxing massage therapy will help you prepare to cope with any new stresses that come your way in the New Year. Massage therapy is an effective therapeutic treatment for restoring one's spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental well being. - 31856

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How Can Spa Music Help You To Have Relaxation And Peace Of Mind

By Sam Love

Who hasn't gone into a restaurant, experience massage services or chiropractic session, or maybe a vacation retreat and marveled at how relaxed they felt? For this reason, we may want to have this experience again in one way or another. And you'll get astonished to know that it's actually because of the music that we heard from that place. A good and relaxing type of sound can set the main tonality and mood for such magnificent experience.

Music playing is being widely practiced at the offices of various health officers and this is because of the curative effect of the sound. Their staffs may even ask your opinion of what type of music to play. On the learning stage of children, it can successfully stimulate your child's imagination and acumen if you will infuse sound with the learning process. Why not create your own spa music, for your individualized experience?

There are many method to go about getting your own spa music. By browsing online, one could see that there are quite a lot music sites who are committed in providing your own spa music anthology. Many massage therapy schools and outlets also sells relaxing spa music and spa CDs.

Don't get disappointed if you don't have enough time or the required skills to create your own spa music. Inexpensive spa music collection can also be bought at many department stores nearby. If you're an internet savvy, you could be able to find companies and groups that could arrange a spa music for your listening and relaxation pleasure.

If you're the inquisitive or explorative type, open up your favorite web browser and type in the words spa Music or spa CD. It would be nice to check first the portfolio section of the music provider, so that you would know if their work matches your taste and needs. Just remember, all about how good you feel about the music.

If your prefer an instrumental melody, it is best to surf the net, to keep yourself up to date with regards to the newest trends of spa music. Having your own spa music registered under your name gives you the chance of renaming the tracks in order to facilitate a smooth relaxation.

You can have a group to work on the casing of your CD, so that the covering would surely fit your taste. You can even create your own spa music with the help of some music software just to experience this ultimate relaxation right in your own home, or while taking a luxurious bath. It would be a wonderful idea to share this such wonderful sound to your loved one during special occasions. It doesn't take a fortune to acquire such CDs and giving it as a present to your loved ones. Eventually you will come to realize how wonderful it is to have your own copy of spa music. - 31856

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What You Need To Know About Different Meditation Methods Used Around The World

By Trevor Johnson

Have you heard of the many benefits of meditating regularly? Meditation methods can give us many physical and psychological benefits. They can clear our thinking and reduce stress. If you have been practicing meditation methods for some time, you can use it to think creatively about issues or problems which you are dealing with. This is an extremely helpful thing to be able to do.

If you are interested in starting a meditation practice, you may want to look at some of the different methods that have been used around the world. You will find that you may progress from an easier method through to more advanced and challenging methods as you become more experienced. By starting with some of the more basic methods it builds your confidence in yourself.

All meditation techniques require a few things in common. One is a quiet and relaxing place that is free of any distractions. Whether they are noises, sights or even the movement of other people around you it can be difficult to build the deep level of concentration that meditation requires if they continually intrude on your consciousness. Often, it is recommended that you establish one area that is set aside for meditation alone. This can help you get in the meditation mode before you have even begun your practice for the day.

If you have already heard of meditation techniques, there are a few that you may have found are referred to again and again. Three of these include Buddhist meditation, Zen meditation and transcendental meditation. In fact, Buddhist and Zen meditations are often tied together and referred to as Zen Buddhist meditation.

Buddhist meditation involves focusing on your breathing. As you concentrate on your breath you build a picture in your mind of the air filling your lungs and travelling in and out of your body. You keep your focus on your breathing throughout the meditation period. You can focus on an image or item if you want. It is essentially the same as breathing meditation. Transcendental meditation involves chanting different sounds and is one of the more vocal meditation methods. It involves concentrating on and visualising a sound as you chant it. Zen meditation is usually linked to Buddhist meditation. It involves introducing a thought (called a koan) that you think about while meditating and concentrating on your breathing.

The precise meditation method you choose really depends on you and your personality. You should never choose one because it is trendy or popular. Instead, you need to find the one that gives you the most relief from stress and the everyday pressure of your life. - 31856

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