Hypnosis And Weight Loss Go Hand In Hand

By Pamela Johnson

The recent years have seen hypnosis emerging as a powerful force helping a person to concentrate and search his inner self to find solutions to his problems with the aid of unconscious learning and perception. The same thing happens when scientists dream up inventions and novel ideas. When you are in a relaxed state of mind, you experience many imaginations and your creative ability is poured out resulting in improving your self-dignity. During this time, you feel like the thought and images becoming real. This is why it is said that most of the problems can be solved through hypnosis. Thus, hypnosis and weight loss remain so well connected that you can experience permanent solutions to your weight gain problems.

The markets are flooded with many products claiming to be solutions to body weight problems. But the real problem lies in the fact that you find it difficult to stick on to them. Researches have proved that not even a single diet produces everlasting results. Hence, hypnosis remains the most effective tool to persevere in the healthy lifestyle for getting permanent solutions for weight gain. Regarding exercise also, most of the people start with much enthusiasm, but within as few days, they slack off.

Your mind is elevated to a higher platform during hypnosis session. Then the subconscious mind is given powerful suggestions, thereby equipping it to control the conscious mind. Your subconscious mind has been conditioned to a pattern of eating. That is, eating tasty food rather than balanced diet. Through hypnosis, the subconscious mind is re-programmed so that it develops the right kind of attitude towards exercises and food. In place of your craze for junk food, love for healthy food is created. This is how hypnosis and weight loss go simultaneously.

There are many advantages of weight loss, including boosting energy levels, reducing bold pressure and cholesterol, removing pains and aches, improving mobility, giving peaceful sleep etc. Other advantages of weight loss are decreasing the risk of type-II diabetes, coronary artery disease, heart problems and many other health problems.

With hypnosis and weight loss your work becomes more enjoyable and leisure activities more pleasurable. With a newly achieved confidence and positive mental attitude you can take the world in your strides. - 31856

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Astral Travel - The Secret For Beginners

By Rick J Griffiths

Have you ever had a dream you were flying high above the trees? Have you ever been in such an intense daydream that you thought you were rising out of your body, then up through the ceiling of your house, only to be suddenly jolted awake? You've reached a state called astral travel, where you can travel outside of your body to anywhere you want to go. It is your mind having fun while your body sleeps!

It is important to know that astral travel is not the same thing as dreaming. Dreaming is a more scientific condition. It is essentially your minds way of dealing with the stresses of the day, playing them out in various ways as you dream. Regular dreaming can sometimes be remembered, and sometimes not, but there is a definite difference between that and astral travel.

Those times where your dreams are vividly remembered are the times when you are experiencing astral travel. It is good practice to write down these dreams on paper or in a computer journal of some sort. You may not understand the dreams now, but later you can browse over the lot of them and likely make some sort of sense for you.

Just as those first dreams you have at night help your mind relieve stress and work through the issues of the day in order to keep you sane, astral travel has benefits as well. Which is why it is important that you keep track of those dreams that you remember very well. It is these experiences that can help you, the benefits will vary by the individual and that is because each astral travel experience is unique to the individual.

Generally speaking though, benefits to experiencing astral travel and keeping track of your experiences can include a deepening of spirituality. When we say this, what we are referring to is a deeper connection to the soul and the world around you. This promotes inner peace and feelings of well being. Another benefit to astral travel is that it can increase memory and creativity. This is because astral travel sparks activity in parts of the brain that we typically do not use.

A third benefit to astral travel is that it can also increase your psychic abilities. Many people who practice astral travel report having an increased ability to sense spirits, use of telepathy and precognition.

This is due to the fact that when you astral project and astral travel you are tapping into spiritual energies that you ignored before.

Even skeptics who didn't believe that astral projection and astral travel were real, experienced that ability to see and read peoples auras.

Finally, a fourth benefit that most people enjoy is the pure and simple excitement and adventure that comes with astral travel. The ability to go wherever it is they want to go and do what they want it is a freeing experience.

It is a wonder that astral projection isnt practiced by more people. The truth is that most people are afraid or feel silly trying it out because they don't feel they have the psychic sensitivity to do it. But everyone can use astral projection to their benefit, if only they give it a try.

It is likely that you've experienced some astral travel in your lifetime, as stated above, either through your remembered dreams or daydreams. You have flown out of your body before, whether you like it or not!

Now that you know something about astral travel, you can allow yourself to experience these events openly. The next time you have an astral travel experience, try to control some aspects of it. A little practice at this and you will see your mental strength increase each day.

You should be encouraged to continue working on astral travel. Anyone can do it, you just have to retrain your body on how it is done. There are many books and other resources out there you can browse to learn more secrets to astral travel. Using these techniques will make you an overall better person and help you achieve amazing peace of mind and success! - 31856

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The Untold Power Of The Subconscious Mind

By Elliot Cox

Subconscious mind is an essential part of all of us. There are many who even blame their unscrupulous doings on their subconscious minds. However, there are only a few who truly understand the subconscious mind and its amazing powers and abilities. This amazingly potent instrument can become our biggest ally or the most dangerous adversary. Interestingly, your life and your circumstances are all governed by your subconscious mind. Many people still don't understand the true meaning of the subconscious mind and its significance in our lives.

Despite the best efforts of some professionals, we all acknowledge the subconscious mind. It is the mind within the mind. It is the control board that directs our actions and our thoughts. It is the voice in your head that you hear when you are faced with a difficult or challenging situation. The script that our subconscious speaks to us is as unique as each individual in the world. Your subconscious mind is not the same as mine. Even if we were raised in the same house, under the same circumstances with the same parents. Your inner voice is just that, it is yours.

You have heard your inner mind. When you were standing there getting ready to make a life altering decision and it talked you out of it. I would like to think that it talked you out of something that was harmful, often though that inner voice is telling a person that they can't do something. That they won't be able to accomplish what it is they want. They aren't good enough, pretty enough, thin enough. The subconscious is what you think of yourself deep, deep down inside.

Your life will not turn out according to your dreams if you have a negative attitude about yourself. However, it doesn't have to remain that way. You can actually reprogram your attitude, thinking and eventually your life. You can have your dream life by simply reprogramming your subconscious.

Many people use affirmations to help change the way they think. These are positive statements that you repeat to yourself multiple times through the day. You don't have to spend a lot of money on subliminal messaging scripts, you can do this yourself at home and it is very effective. Think about what it is you want to change about yourself.

For example, you want to lose weight. Instead of thinking you are fat, repeat to yourself that you are your perfect weight. On a piece of paper you can write down the same phrase and carry it in your pocket, you can tap it to the mirror, make a ring tone out of it, and make it a screensaver at work. The point is to repeat the message enough that the subconscious mind picks up on the fact that this is what you think and what it needs to be thinking.

With this example, you will start to notice that you will become your ideal weight. If you use affirmations to increase money, you will in fact have more money. You can apply this to anything in your life. It is possible. Perhaps you don't believe me.

Your mind affects your life and here is an illustration to prove this fact. Let's assume that you sleep till late one day and then when you get up, you see the watch and sigh 'oh it's going to be one of those tough days'. Accidents start happening, your shower doesn't work, your coffee spills and messes your best dress and in the office there are more accidents which make you think 'I was right, today is a tough day'

Skeptics may call it a coincidence but truly speaking coincidences are nothing but misnomers. Every thing that happens to us is attracted to us by out thoughts and subconscious mind which just manifests things which we think about.

Recently movies and books on this subject like the 'The Secret' have given it a more scientific backing and made people aware of their subconscious thinking and how it's shaping their lives up. It actually creates the reality we are living in and that is all in conference with our inner most beliefs.

Crazy as this seems quantum physics is in agreement with this basic theory and it has been proved that at subatomic level, the existence of matter really is intrinsically linked with the mind of the observer. This is also what the ancient religions have been saying for many thousands of years.

So if we do create our own reality with our subconscious mind, then with practice we can choose what kind of reality we experience! Some of the richest people in the world throughout history have realized this fact and have manifested incredible wealth by consistently visualizing clearly exactly what they want and communicating this to their subconscious mind. - 31856

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Self Hypnosis Weight Loss To Achieve A Perfect Figure At Fewer Costs

By Pamela Johnson

For many people, shedding extra calories is a herculean task. There are many magic pills and drugs which make you spend your hard-earned money for the purpose of losing weight, but the net result would be zero. Being overweight, you lose your confidence and self-dignity. The permanent solution to this difficult situation lies in self hypnosis weight loss.

There are various vital factors essential for reducing weight like vision, confidence, motivation and discipline. Possessing these factors, you can march on the road to success. These factors can be imprinted in your subconscious mind through self hypnosis. Once you learn the techniques, the hypnotic suggestions in the books or CDs can be utilized to have a lasting impression on your subconscious mind.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the basis of the most effective self hypnosis. It is based on using a person's existing thought processes rather than post hypnotic suggestions. You have to remember to select the best program available to make the self hypnosis weight loss session effective.

There are video weight loss self hypnosis available in this modern era which is capable of conditioning your subconscious mind even to use a negative thought as a stimulus for soothing thoughts. Some people have the tendency to put something in their mouth when they are stressed. And thus, overeating habits are developed. The success of this program lies in the fact that when you start thinking of something negative, your subconscious mind will on its own change it into a positive thought. That moment itself, you become a tranquil being and there would be no feelings of anxiety to start your cravings. Thus you can totally avoid the appetite for overeating thereby making it easy to lose weight permanently.

Many prefer to undergo hypnosis in the office of a hypnotist. But the advantage of self hypnosis is that you can do it the serene atmosphere of your house. Apart from that it is less expensive to go for self hypnosis rather than availing the services of a professional hypnotist. With self hypnosis weight loss you can achieve the body of a Greek god or goddess. - 31856

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Your Judgements Could Be Hurting Your Animals' Feelings

By James French

As a pet owner you can be helped in a number of ways with animal communication. Understanding your animal from their perspective allows you to give them the best life possible. It can be very easy to place our own thoughts and understanding on animals without really understanding them. This is why animal communication is a valuable pet owner tool.

It is very easy for us humans to place negative feelings on to our animals. I am sure that you will agree with me that it is a horrible feeling when some one makes false judgements about us. So why is it any different when we do the same to our animals!

For example the other day I saw how a dog had been labelled as a bully with other dogs. This strong judgement had been made because the owner had observed that when her dog was around younger or gentle dogs, she would look very friendly but when she got close would snap at them and show aggressive signs.

Yet her dogs behaviour with nervous or protective dogs was very different. She would not go anywhere near them.

Through the animal communication it was clear that she was afraid of intimacy with other dogs! She desperately wanted to be close but did not know how. She was an excellent judge of character and could tell if the dogs were friendly or not at distance. This is why she would only approach the gentle or younger dogs and she was very keen to become friends, but did not know how!

Her wanting to be close to dogs changed as soon as she got to close to them as an overwhelming feeling of shyness and protection took over her.

With this new insight and information it allowed us to create a whole new approach in helping her dog. We focused on keeping her relaxed and very slowly closed the gap between her and other dogs, giving her the time to overcome her shyness. Because she was so desperate to be close to other dogs this made the process easy as everyone was after a common goal.

Understanding our animals from this feeling language gives us the power to really help them. If you are still in a place where you keep asking yourself why they are doing this or that. Then you have not found this connection and understanding that your animal is looking for!

Animal communication is very natural and does not take long to learn. With these skills you will be creating a trusting environment for both you and your animal, as you will understand each other more. It is the same for us humans, when we find someone who understands us we naturally listen to and trust them. Animal communication is the key to a deeper relationship. - 31856

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Introduction to Binaural Beats

By Dan Murphy

So you may have encountered information on binaural beats and the advantages they can have on individuals, such as relaxation, better learning, increased creativity, and stress relief. But where exactly did binaural beats come from, what are they used for, and are they useful?

In 1839, a person by the name of Heinrich Wilhelm Dove detected the curious phenomenon of binaural beats. When two auditory impulses ("tones") are played in both ears at the same time but differ in frequency, the difference in the Hz (hertz, or cycles per second) will be delivered as what is referred to as a "binaural beat."

For example, let's make the assumption that you have one tone being played to each ear. The first tone could be 180 Hz and played into your right ear, and the other tone could be 185 Hz and played in the left ear. The difference in frequencies creates a "beat" which is the binaural beat. In the example, the variation would be 5 Hz.

The important part to note is that the beats are perceived by the brain, and not actually "heard" as it may sound. These are responses in parts of the brain stem which are delivered from the superior olivary nucleus of each brain hemisphere. What makes this so important is that the "beats" that are experienced actually cause the two sides of the brain to be in sync with one another.

The Monroe Institute is an organization that has heavily marketed binaural beats as a treatment method. Utilizing binaural beats has shown benefits which include a reduced need for pain medicine, expedient recuperation, stable blood pressure, and more. This was tested by using this method in hospitals and other various areas of medicine. Because of this, the use of binaural beats has been tested over a significant portion of people.

In the year 1999, Anesthesia decided to do a study. In order to disprove or prove this hypothesis, a study was carried out that involved three different tapes that were created for the subjects to listen to. Each subject was undergoing a different procedure, and all were administered a drug called fentanyl. Fentanyl is most often given for chronic pain, or chronic breakthrough pain. Each of the three tapes contained either classical music, a product named "Hemisync," or a tape with no audio. It was found that those listening to the Hemisync recording needed much less fentanyl when compared to the two other tapes.

The study that was completed, "Hemispheric Synchronized Sounds and Intraoperative Anesthetic Requirements" should help in the promotion that not only do binaural beats have their benefits, but the effectiveness of them can be measured and proven. - 31856

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Develop Telepathy; Yes You Really Can Become Telepathic!

By Paul Fowles

Essentially, telepathy is the process of transferring your feelings, emotions, and even thoughts to another person using nothing apart from mind power.

Contrary to what some may believe, practically everyone possesses a certain amount of telepathic ability, although most people have no idea as to how they should control it on a conscious level. Considering that each and every one of us experience some form of telepathic activity, even if only on a subconscious level, wouldn't it be great if we were able to control this ability in such a way that we could use it to communicate?

Have you ever been walking down the road feeling as though you are on top of the world, only to bump into someone you know, and to discover they are feeling depressed and miserable? Within just a short space of time your own mood will have changed to be more in line with that person's mood. Even so, there is still much skepticism regarding the use of mind power.

Essentially, it's not the words which that person spoke which affected your mood, but rather the transference of their feelings and emotions to your own subconscious mind, and of course this is without a doubt, a form of telepathic communication.

In recent scientific studies, it's been determined that if someone accesses their subconscious mind and then learns to direct their thoughts and feelings towards another specific individual, dormant telepathic abilities can be brought back to life.

As with our regular form of communication, we are taught as children by our parents and teachers. Not only do our elders teach us the art of speech, but they also teach us body language. In fact, so effective is this method of teaching that we even learn to speak using the same accents. Unfortunately, we only learn to communicate in the ways which we are taught.

The problem is; our parents and teachers failed to teach us anything about that other ability known as telepathy. Surely we can't be denied the chance of mastering that skill simply because we were never taught it as children.

Let's take a quick look at some things you may wish to try in order to awaken your dormant ability:

Developing Your Mental Muscle

As children learning to communicate, we had to learn how to control the movement of our mouth, and we had to learn how to strengthen our voice boxes. In much the same way, one needs to learn how to strengthen and develop your telepathic muscles.

Interestingly enough, that part of your brain which controls telepathic communication, functions at its best on a subconscious level which is similar to a trancelike state. In essence, this trancelike state is simply a level deep relaxation which all humans can achieve with relative ease.

You can be rest assured that if you learn how to relax your mind, you will be able to reach a trancelike state of mind without any difficulty at all.


Admittedly, when one is in a trancelike state of mind, if can be rather difficult learning how to stay focused. The next time you manage to achieve a state of deep relaxation, try to focus exclusively on someone you'd like to contact, or have contact with.

It is crucial that you keep this person in your thoughts while all the time you attempt to project happy thoughts. Picture this person receiving those thoughts and maintain your level of focus for as long as what you believe it's necessary, in order to know that there is a connection between the two of you.

After a few moments, one should stop focusing abruptly in order to break any contact. When this happens, the other person will realize that the contact has been broken and as a result, they will in turn attempt to make contact with you.

The reason why one should practice focusing on your own is so that when you start practicing with a partner, you will have already conditioned your mind to be receptive and as such, it will be easier to receive images, feelings, thoughts, and impressions.

Practicing With a Partner

Once you and your partner get ready for a training session, you'll need to decide which one of you will be the sender and which one of you will be the receiver. Of course, it will help if the sender chooses to project images of simple items which are brightly colored and for the most part easy to recognize.

On the other hand, the receiver should always keep a pen and paper nearby in order to make a note of any impressions or thoughts they receive.

When you reach the end of your training session, the two of you should go ahead and compare notes in order to establish how many impressions were correct. You can be a rest assured that the more times you practice, the better you will get. - 31856

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Astral Projection - A Simple Explanation

By Benjamin Parry

Astral projection is something that you already have some awareness of. No doubt you've heard the phrase used in conversation, in a movie or TV program or seen it in a book or magazine. What you might not know is that you can astral project; anyone can, in fact. Youve already done so, though you might not remember it.

Just what is astral projection though? Essentially, astral projection is what happens when your non-physical, or astral body separates from your physical body. This happens most commonly while you sleep. Your subconscious mind is the seat of the astral body and when your conscious mind and your physical body rest, it heads out on its own.

You can journey to any desired location when you astral project. You may even have done this as a child as you went to bed, as you grew into adulthood you just forgot how. No time or distance restrictions apply when astral projecting, which makes it possible to travel virtually anywhere. The astral body is what does the traveling when the person's physical body is sound asleep.

For those that may not be aware of the various bodies other than the physical. Astral projection is done with the astral body. It is often referred to as the ethereal body because of both its duplication of the physical body and its lack of substance. It is in essence an invisible body. The in turn leads to the question of how is the astral body attached to the physical body. The answer is it is attached with what is often referred to as the silver cord.

This cord keeps your two beings connected from the moment you're born until your last breath. As long as you live, your astral body will always come back to your physical form after its travels.

Where is it exactly that we go when astral projecting? You visit the astral plane which is to the physical universe as your astral body is to your physical body. There is no universal agreement among the experts about exactly how the astral plane is structured but most agree that the astral plane is an alternate reality which vibrates at a different rate than our own, just slightly out of sync with the universe we inhabit physically and that there are many different levels to the astral plane..

Are there any risks to astral projection? Yes and no. Your physical body is at no risk and nothing can keep your astral body from returning, but there are some dangers. However, the risk is pretty minimal. Just keep a level head and know where youre going beforehand.

The greatest danger when astral projecting comes with the mind is not carefully prepared or under the influence of thought and perception, altering substances such as drugs or alcohol. There are a number of levels to the astral plane. The lower levels are not considered places to visit and are often considered to be unsafe. It is these levels that are easiest to access when under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

It is vital that you understand where you desire going and exactly what you are participating in. You need to strive on doing astral projection using your conscious mind. Stay in total control as far as what task that the astral body is performing. Your thoughts and thinking processes are what keeps you in this kind of control.

There are a number of ways to get prepared to do astral projection prior to starting it. Several professionals can be found to assist you in learning various techniques so that you get to the point where you have better control so that you have a gratifying experience, but on this note people usually rather be in their own house while doing astral projection.

The internet has a wealth of information on astral projection and there are a number of books, which describe a number of techniques that can be used in order to prepare the mind and body for astral projection. There are even recordings that use hypnosis to assist in astral projection. There is an advantage to these types of recordings. You can have them play on repeat giving people who may find it difficult to prepare the time necessary to reach the appropriate state of mind; this extra time might not be available if professional sessions are used.

In the field of sound technology there have been many improvements in the area of binaural beats. With this you listen to different sounds in each of your ears. This quickly gets you into the meditative state that is crucial for you to reach to do astral projection with the right results.

Like any ability, even those which were born with it can take some time to master astral projecting. We all have this ability naturally, but you'll have to be patient and keep trying. You might not succeed the first few times, but if you keep trying, you'll learn how to use this inborn capability.

If you are still unsure, that astral projection is something that is known to everyone consider these things. Have you ever felt like you were falling, even though you were standing or laying still, how about dreaming about flying. Often times this is the result of astral projection. The falling feeling usually comes when the two bodies rejoin each other and the sensation of flight comes from actually moving through the astral plane. It is a real ability that everyone has, everyone can use and all it needs is a bit of fine-tuning in order to be able to do it at will. - 31856

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Is Conscious Dreaming Fact Or Fiction?

By Allan Matacan

Also known as lucid dreaming, conscious dreaming is the state of being aware and in control while you are dreaming. That is to say, you know that you are dreaming while you are in the middle of a dream! When you are conscious that youre dreaming, you can control the events of your dreams.

While having the ability to control your dreams may sound farfetched, its actually something which is within your reach. Lucid dreaming isnt that hard to do and these dreams are a great place to express your true self and your desires. There are techniques which have proven effective at producing lucid dreams.

First, you have to know what your goal is; are you looking to be able to get more enjoyment from your dreams or would you like to use this ability to help you improve your life in other areas? Whatever the reason, decide what it is that makes you want to discover conscious dreaming.

After you've discovered why you want to start conscious dreaming, you'll begin to learn the techniques to get you into the right frame of mind. Lucid dreaming requires a particular mental state. Most people learning how to do this start with dream recall. This is a simple matter of remembering the dreams you've had.

Learning to remember your dreams will help you to begin conscious dreaming. One thing which works for most is keeping a dream diary. Keep this beside your bed so that as soon as you awake (before your dreams can start melting away in the sun as they tend to do), you can write down all of the details you remember.

Before long, youll find yourself able to remember more of your dreams " and your dream diary can help refresh your memory. Once your mind is trained to remember dreams, the ability to recognize them while they are happening will follow easily. You might, like many do, come to the awareness suddenly that you are dreaming!

Other than keeping dream diary, many find hypnosis helpful. Hypnosis can help you to quickly reach the appropriate state for conscious dreaming. In fact, hypnosis can help you to recall every detail of your dreams in only a few sessions! Conscious dreaming is easy once this is accomplished.

At first, you may discover that you occasionally wake up suddenly during a lucid dream. That's fairly normal. All you need to do is recall the events of your dream as you fall back to sleep. Try hard to remember them, and you'll be able to get back into the dream, and even be able to make it do whatever you want it to.

One other method of inducing conscious dreaming is waking up a few hours earlier than you usually do, then trying to get back to sleep. During this period, the dreams you'll have are a lot easier to stay aware in. You even be unsure about whether you were really asleep, or if you were merely thinking while lying in bed. Do this on a regular basis, and lucid dreaming is a lot more likely.

Be aware of your sleeping habits. Youll be able to determine when you are most likely to have lucid dreams. However, dont lose too much sleep " fatigue and conscious dreaming dont mix.

However, you may be glad to find out that lucid dreaming can help to alleviate insomnia and other sleep problems. When you learn how to use the ability of conscious dreaming, you can train your mind to stop the worries which keep you up.

It might seem like lucid dreaming is something you can only do after years of study, but that's not really true. In just a little time, with a little work, you could become a conscious dreamer. Explore your own consciousness, manipulate your dreams and more!

Conscious dreaming is easy, and almost everyone can do it. Take a little time, and use one of these methods to unleash the power of lucid dreaming for yourself. You'll be amazed at what you discover. - 31856

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Some Basic Facts On Hypnosis Spiral

By Ray Earnest

Hypnosis is a process considered great to improve self-confidence, rectify behavioral deficiencies, change the way we think etc. Lack of self-confidence and other mental weaknesses often make our lives less than fruitful. Hypnosis is a process of talking to your inner self and thus removing the imaginary roadblocks created by our conscious mind. The process has two parts. The first one puts you into a trance while the next more important one involves instilling new and invigorating thoughts in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis spiral is a tool meant to induce deep relaxation so that the mind comes under a trance and more receptive to new ideas.

These spirals can put anyone into a trance irrespective of the will power he or she possesses. Under the state of hypnosis, you would be in a highly relaxed or half awake situation or at the extreme, in a coherent dreamy situation. Hypnosis is a state where you move in and out of different consciousness levels continuously.

As our minds are inherently restless and it is difficult to focus on anything for protracted periods of time, you need to find ways to keep it focused. Hypnosis spiral helps greatly in this endeavor. The tool is basically a curve, which begins moving from the center of a circle and worms its way to the outside edge. This generates a false impression that it is either moving towards you or away from you. After continuous watching of the moving curve, your mind falls into a semi-conscious condition. But the effect may be different from case to case.

The spiral, that guides you into hypnosis, is the most resorted relaxation tool than others. The continuous movement of the spiral provokes profound relaxation. By concentrating on the spiral, your conscious mind gets locked to its movements. Spirals can be immensely helpful in self-hypnosis too.

Experts can create their own spirals but it is also possible to download some from the Internet too. They differ in color, designs etc and thousands of different types are available. Hypnosis spiral, with its versatility and usability, has become the most used relaxation tool used nowadays. The services of a professional hypnotist are not required to induce trance since you can do it yourself at home. - 31856

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The Essential Truth About Your Past Lives

By Richard Fox

If you believe in reincarnation, there are ways for you to figure this out today. There are some individuals out there who practice reincarnation as part of their religion, but others are simply curious. Whatever group you fall into, the answers lie in everything you do in this lifetime. However, you must take advantage of the clues you get along the way, and these are just a few ways you can go about doing it.

Keeping Track of Everything

One of the best ways people try to understand a past life is by keeping track of daily events. It's a simple process where all you do is write down all of your experiences. In fact, even if you come across something that is trivial, you should still write it down. There is also a connection between your emotions and a previous lifetime so it's important to understand your reactions to certain events. Eventually you'll have to come back to it and put all the pieces together.

Just look at your life today and see if you can find any clues. It might be the slightest detail, which is why you should jot down events, animals, reactions to situations, colors, anytime you felt dj-vu, and a host of other things. Basically the more you write down, the better chance you have of finding something.

When you wake up in the morning, think about the dreams you had last night. One thing to keep in mind is that our dreams tend to bring out past lives clearer, so remembering them is important. So the next time you come across a symbol or event that would never occur today, it's possible you knew this in a previous life and it tried to surface in your dreams. We understand this can be difficult, but if you tell yourself you want to learn about your past lives before going to sleep, it can definitely help.

Try Therapy for Past Life Experiences

If you plan on taking this route, we recommend that you go with a certified trainer. The best places to start your search are the International Association for Regression and Research and Therapies, and the International Association of Past Life Therapists. This way when you start the program you can rest assured you have a good and reputable professional team in front of you. They should be able to help you locate one in your area.

Experiencing the Meditation Phenomenon

This is a sketchy topic simply because some people have a hard time trusting the information they accumulate. We can't stress enough how important it is to trust your feelings, and if you can do this on your own in a private manner it will save you from spending the big bucks on classes and one on one services.

When you experience this for the first time, you're going to feel like you're daydreaming. You may see an image here and there, but it could be hard to decipher what is the past and what you're conjuring up that very moment. Remember, the mind can be very suggesting if you allow it to be.

Probably the biggest thing to meditation is finding that one thing that would put your mindset in the proper place. To get started you may need something like the flame of a candle to focus in on, or even a ticking noise from a grandfather clock. If it works the first time, make sure you record it the second time around. This way you can teach yourself at home.

If nothing seems to be working, take advantage of the new technology that surrounds binaural beats. This where sound waves are played in each ear and allow you to relax almost instantaneously. This is due to the constant switching of frequencies throughout the process. It's believed that only Zen monks can develop this sort of meditation, and it's taken them years to do it.

While all this is great, you have to find a place that is quiet and peaceful. If you don't, there will be too many distractions.

First of all you need to find a comfortable position once everything is quiet and peaceful. You will have to teach yourself how to relax the muscles which will calm the mind. If you get distracted with stressful concerns or anything else, you have to let them go. It's hard to do at first, but once you're able to make that connection the body will flow into a meditation much easier.

Eventually there will be images that surface. These can be both good and bad depending on the situation, so don't be started at what you see. It's going to be hard to verify everything you see, and be able to tell what is from a previous life and what you added into your mind 10 seconds ago.

Could you imagine finding out that the people you love today could have been with you hundreds of years ago? It's possible, and something that everyone should keep in mind when tempting this process. However, even though your father is with you now, you may have had a different relationship in your past life.

At the end of the day you just need to believe in reincarnation. Since you've made it this far we imagine you do. If you plan on trying regression, you'll be able to get some extremely beneficial information about your past lives. It could be the first step to finding all the answers you need. - 31856

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Hypnosis Work To Stop Smoking - Is It True?

By David Hughes

Smoking is a menace which has affected majority of our population. Health organizations, NGOs and governments warn against the use of tobacco products. But it has fallen into deaf years. The number of addicted smokers is increasing in our society. Smoking is a treacherous pit. Once fallen into it people find extremely difficult to escape despite their best attempts. Medicated de-addiction tactics also fail to yield results. But there is hope for smokers in the form of hypnosis. Hypnosis work to stop smoking in an effective manner.

Smoking is usually used by people as a facade against daily pressures of life. In other words, it is the mental conditioning of an individual that cause him to smoke excessively. Hypnosis tries to address this problem by changing the way we think and feel. Once a person becomes a chain smoker, his mental as well as physical activities get tied with it. So much so, non-availability of nicotine results in the physical system of the addict refusing to work. This is why we see many people who cannot even go to the loo without a cigarette in hand.

Hypnosis aims at strengthening and fortifying our mental capacities. Thus we can prevail over any hurdles which we have to face without taking the help of drinking or smoking. During hypnosis, the hypnotherapist will give suggestions to your sub conscious mind and conditions it to steer clear of smoking.

The subconscious mind is absolutely touched by the hypnotic suggestions and the conditioning of mind takes place that you are prepared to avoid cigarettes at any cost. It takes place as an automatic process. The technique has been found to be more successful than other stop smoking procedures like behavior therapy and nicotine replacement products.

The fact that hypnosis work to stop smoking is emphatically stated by hundreds of erstwhile smokers. Once your mind gets freedom from the servitude of cigarettes, it would start working in a creative and productive manner that your life becomes a real marvel. - 31856

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Relief Stress Using Guided Meditation

By Holly Killen

Stress has become one of the nation's most common health problem as life is becoming more difficult for many. Stress is a major cause of strokes, heart attacks, and hypertension. lower back pain, ulcers and diabetes can even be causes by stress. Stress can not only affect adults bu children and teenagers as well.

To effectively manage stress, we need to learn how to deal with it in a positive fashion with the ultimate goal of achieving a more balanced life. Practicing relaxation meditation on a regular basis can be an important part of stress management. Here are a few guided meditation techniques to help you remain calm in the face of life's many problems.

The most popular guided meditation technique is the relaxation response. This helps put your body in a state of rest that will help you recharge. Relaxation Response can help you develop increased concentration and focus, improve your productivity and even heighten your problem-solving skills as well as physical effects such as slowing your heart rate and lowering your blood pressure. It can also help relieve chronic pain.

To help people who have trouble staying still that can't practice general meditation there is movement meditation. This helps create a peaceful state of being through the movement of you body. This is very simple to master. First you just stand with your legs a little apart and have your body centered. Then you take a few deep breaths and just begin to slowly move your body in a snake like motion. It is important to stay focused on your body. You could play some music to help you maintain your focus.

You can also use visualization exercises instead of movement meditation. You can visualize yourself as anything relaxing to you. You can imagine your a flower opening or an animal slowly moving through the forest. One more formal movement meditation program is tai chi. You can sign up for these classes. This is not only a great form of meditation but it is also very safe and low impact. This can improve your health and your metal state. You can do these basic moves anywhere you like.

To get the most out of your guided meditation, you have to ensure that you practice it regularly and consistently; thus you should select a technique that you like so that you'll stick with it. Experts recommend that you set aside at least ten to twenty minutes a day for your meditation practice, in a quiet comfortable place. - 31856

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What is Free Clairvoyance?

By Nichole Faux

If the thought of being clairvoyant has ever crossed you mind, you most likely are clairvoyant. Everyone experiences dreams that later come true, or have bad feelings about something that turn out to be true. These are episodes similar to those of dj vu, which ties in to the power of clairvoyance.

The truth is that most people have to learn to further develop their abilities before they become really good at knowing and feeling certain things. So yes, you too can further develop your very own existing clairvoyant abilities.

The first thing you must know is that you already possess these powers. Take a moment to think about a time where you sensed something that happened later on. How many times has that happened to you? These powers are 'free' they come from nature; hence the title of this article 'free clairvoyance'.

When you are ready to increase your natural clairvoyant powers you have to learn more about them. By learning more about the subject you can redirect your natural abilities and develop them into your personality.

You have to use it or you will lose it, this applies to clairvoyance as well as many other things in life. It is easier to tune into your higher spiritual self and pick up on more things when you learn to intently focus on your development.

Some individuals hold on to the misconception that you must be psychic to be clairvoyant or to develop such power. Some may wrongly consider that this type of power is unjustly evil or associated with witchcraft and so on. However, psychic powers such as clairvoyance is a natural inborn power. Some consider that we all routinely used such natural powers yet they have become subdued down through the years.

While you were a child you may have known about the various feelings and senses that you noticed come true later. Children are innocent and full of positive energy and are highly receptive to their powers of clairvoyance. Many children get talked out of their ability and their belief of their power by well meaning but very unknowledgeable parents and other elders, which is sad for so many of us.

You have more than likely repressed your own clairvoyant capabilities as you grew up; however, you do still have them. By choosing to develop your powers further you enable yourself to not only make logical decisions but decisions based on those things you feel inside yourself that come to you from the universe.

The life of highly clairvoyant individuals are joyful and light. You will have to eliminate any negativity from your life in order to increase your natural clairvoyant capabilities. Negativity is all around us in some form or another, however you need to learn how to block them, while finding something more positive to focus upon.

Doing so helps you block out negative thoughts that disrupt your inner sense of peace and contentment. As you consider your life today is it full of confusing turmoil? When you learn how to focus your energies in order to clear away all the disturbing qualities of your life and then you will be able to gain the mental clarity and peace of mind and soul you seek.

You can return to true happiness where there is no negativity to bring you down when you develop your powers of clairvoyance. It can provide you with the gift of sight, harmony and feelings. There is no need to pay anyone to interpret messages for you since you have free clairvoyance. The power is within you, you simply need to learn how to use it once more! - 31856

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Private Label CD's for Your Spa

By Sam Love

The burgeoning spa industry today owes a big part of its prosperity to the increased stress of the kind of life we lead today. Stress and tension are so inherent a part of our daily lives that large chunks of any demographic have developed stress-related disorders. When challenging situations and circumstances occur, our autonomic nervous system responds by way of stress. When we feel stress our bodies produce chemicals that prepare us for a "fight or flight" response. The "fight or flight" response is still activated even though we are not directly threatened by any physical harm.

Continuing stress or chronic stress results when an individual goes through lengthened and constant episodes of stress without having the time for relaxation or recovery. Our daily life, our career, our environment has so many stress causing minutiae that an individual in the long run has no chance to go through the required relaxation phase. There can be substantial injury mentally and physically to an individual if stress keeps on.

We have learned by chance that there is a huge number of ways to handle stress. The most common methods are relaxation methods like yoga and meditation. Direction from experts and gurus is needed in order to get hold of the skills and discipline considered necessary to receive the benefits of these relaxation methods. Taking a break and allowing yourself to be pampered in a spa are some of the easiest and most effective ways to relieve stress. Owing to their serene and relaxing atmosphere, healing treatments, cool illumination, quiet and comforting music, and generally pleasant environment, spas are great places to loosen up.

One of the most important aspects of a spa is its ambiance. Customers can be separated from the substantiality of the daily grind by going to a spa because this place is chiefly designed to pull off soothing and relaxing atmospheres. Depending on the theme of a spa, various kinds of therapeutic services are offered ranging from haircuts to shampoos to manicures and pedicures to massages and saunas. One of the factors that contribute greatly to the ambiance of a spa is music.

Most kinds of spa music commonly have gentle sounds with soft rhythm. Then again what might be an ideal selection of music for one spa may not be ideal for another. Themed spas should generally have music that is culturally and geographically compatible with their themes. Playing Asian music in a Swedish themed spa would be quite unbalanced and discordant and instead of soothing the customers may even be a cause of stress for them. The appropriate music will embellish the atmosphere and boost the efficacy of the treatments provided by the spa.

In order to be guaranteed that the music you play is the appropriate and proper music for your distinct and uniquely branded spa, you can have a custom CD compiled by experienced and knowledgeable professional outfit. Like a jingle in a commercial, the compilation will ultimately come to embody your brand and it conjures your product when people hear it. An invaluable tool to your business is brand identification through music tracks. You might even cash in on this by offering your custom label CD's for sale or provided free together with your high end services. This will settle up your expenses on the compilation and even present additional income for your business. - 31856

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How to Use Namaste Yoga to Transform Your Inner Being

By Jimi Lanronle

Namaste yoga represents a style of yoga based on the Hatha Vinyasa yoga practice. Namaste is an Indian greeting and blessing that is literally composed of nama which means I bow and te which is you, and we have I bow to you. It is a form used when greeting someone or when departing. As for Namaste yoga, the practice focuses on the importance of breathing; the breath works as the guide and the body has to follow up the lines imposed by the breath.

When greeting with namaste, the hands are placed together in front of the eyes while, bowing the head, and afterwards the hands drop down to the heart. The gesture implies a profound form of respect. Westerners perceive namaste in a different way than it is performed in India: westerners would speak the word Namaste while making the gesture we've explained, while for Indians the gesture itself carries in it the word, and they don't utter the word when bowing.

Namaste yoga is usually practiced together with other styles of yoga. The gesture namaste, the salute per se, is meant to increase the flow of divine love; when one closes the eyes and bows, he/she surrenders the mind to the divine in the heart. Ideally, Namaste yoga is a popular practice that opens and ends a yoga session, but it is usually done before completing the work routine, because it is considered that the peace of mind and body is superior then, and there is also a more positive energy in the room.

The core of Namaste yoga is combined with the principles of Gautama Buddha, biggest Indian guru and the founder of Buddhism. Hence, a general consideration for all yoga styles is that the practice is more than a way to stay flexible or in good physical shape, as it is rather a way of life.

Nevertheless, it does not mean that one cannot enjoy Namaste yoga from the physical fitness perspective alone, it only means that if one gets interested in Namaste yoga, one will develop other preoccupations beside the immediate external reality. The yoga instructor initiates Namaste as a token of gratitude and respect for the students, and in return launches the invitation to connect with their lineage starting the energy flow from their hearts. It is rather difficult to properly perform various yoga positions, it requires practice until one is able to do them with minimal effort. - 31856

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Everything You Need To Know About Binaural Meditation

By Trevor Johnson

Binaural meditation is gaining a large following with spirituality, alternative medicine, and new age writers. This buzz ranges from the blogosphere to the world of magazine publishing. People in yoga, meditation, and tai chi circles are also spreading enthusiasm for the tool through word of mouth. The reason is the effectiveness of using binaural sounds to enhance and ease meditation.

During the 1830s, a researcher discovered the curious occurrence of binaural beats. He revealed that if certain sounds that were very close, but slightly different, were played that the human mind would interpret a rolling, repeating beat. He also found that these sounds had a dramatic effect on a person's state of mind. It was treated as a curiosity arousing only the interest of a select few until the late twentieth century when interest in the phenomena exploded.

One of the main uses found for binaural beats is in assisting meditation. They nudge the mind into particular states, based on the arrangement and speed of the beats.

The same factors that make binaural sounds ideal for meditation, also make them fantastic for lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is when a person is almost awake within a dream. They are fully aware of the dream and its nature as a dream. Lucid dreaming allows you to influence and even change your dreams.

The effects of binaural meditation are based on a natural responsiveness of the human brain. When exposed to a repeating, steady rhythmic pulsing of flashing light or auditory beats then the mind will match the pace of the pulses. Higher rates cause the mind to act faster, leading to a faster train of thought and correlating to high stress or intense thought. Lower frequencies will produce a more lethargic, relaxed state of mind. The latter speed is what produces the mindset of meditation and also correlates with various stages of sleep.

There is a large market of binaural products available to the consumer. You should carefully review all products before making a purchase, as the quality can vary quite a lot from product to product. Software should be offered from reputable companies offering a range of related software. Online software reviews should indicate good results. Recordings you purchase should come with a programmed pattern, not simply a single beat. The accompanying sounds should also be suitable to the purpose. Relaxation programs should be accompanied by relaxing audio. - 31856

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The Secrets Behind Kriya Yoga That You Should Know

By Oke Manueli

The appearance of Kriya yoga is tributary to a combination of yoga styles such as Bhakti, Jnana and Raja. The word kriya describes effort or transformation. Kriya yoga was introduced to the modern world by master Lahiri Mahasaya during the 19th century. Nevertheless, Kriya yoga is, according to some scriptures, much older than that.

It is said to appear in the Bhagavad-Gita which is considered to be more than 3000 years old. The practice of Kriya yoga demands a daily program of self-discipline of the mind and the body, and, most important than everything, a devotion to God. In order for a student to learn how to do this technique, the presence of a guru is a must-meet condition.

Kriya yoga can influence the existence of people in search of a deeper, more spiritual relationship with their essence. This style of yoga is kundalini oriented and, it involves a meditation technique theorized by a series of esoteric principles. Nevertheless, the stress falls onto the power within oneself and the necessity to be guided by an initiate on the journey inside. There are several goals identifiable in Kriya yoga, among which the breaking of the separation line between mind and body.

An analysis of the three styles that meet in Kriya yoga is necessary for an understanding of the history and underlying principles of the practice. Thus, Karma yoga focuses on the movement of the soul between inside and outside of the mind; Jnana yoga aims at conquering wisdom, liberating mind through knowledge, while Bhakti yoga focuses on love, and how it allows one to come to terms with everything around oneself. By the combined mechanisms of these principles mind and soul purity are achieved. Consequently, Kriya yoga practitioners believe they can achieve self-fulfillment this way rather than follow other disciplines.

There are some stages to go through before practicing Kriya yoga. First of all, the body needs to be ready, and Hatha yoga exercises are integrated in the practice for this very purpose. Then, the mind needs preparation too. Mantras are taught in Kriya yoga techniques in order to enhance the meditative experience. It is said in Bhagavad-Gita that the aim of one who practices Kriya yoga is to accomplish the Supreme Goal (Samahdi), by withdrawing from the external phenomena, by controlling one's sensory mind and intellect, and by banishing desire, fear and anger. - 31856

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Are You Searching For The Secret Of Abundance?

By Mickie Lake

Many individuals all over the world are searching for the means of changing their life. They are searching for the missing secret to having a wonderful life. They consider once they have this it will give them all they ever wanted. Many of them will spend countless years trying to find it. You are given that secret right now. Your search is finally over. The desire for it consumed your mind and inspired you to keep searching for it and now the universe is offering it to you.

First you must understand one thing, an abundant life is not just a life filled with a lot of money. Living an abundant life means that you are fulfilled in the three sections of life, Money, Health and Relationships. While there are many that would disagree and they may even try to tell you that the key to living an abundant life is an overflowing amount of money, they are wrong.

Think about it like this, if you had millions of dollars, more money then you could ever spend but your health was so poor that you only had days to live or your health was so poor that all you could do was lay in your bed and stare at the ceiling, what good is the money? Likewise, if you are healthy but alone and have no one to share your life with, what good is it to be healthy? You need to have all three components fulfilled to live an abundant life.

With that being said, you need to know the secret that will unlock that abundance so that you are not only healthy, but you have a meaningful relationship and you have the money to live the life you want. Here you go; the secret of abundance is your thoughts and emotions. Yes, it is that simple. Your thoughts and your emotions are the makers of your life. They hold the power to create the life you want or keep you in the life you are currently living.

Some people may shake their heads in disagreement, while telling you this is not true. If it were your thoughts and emotions that determine the secret of abundance, then everyone would be living a life of abundance. This is correct. However, if everyone has such power to create an abundant life, then why is it not happening for everyone, everywhere?

The list of reasons can be very long. However, they all center on one fundamental issue. Most people would rather live as they are and complain about it all rather than trying to live an abundant life. For instance, Donald Trump never felt sorry for himself. Bill Gates never doubted he would be a millionaire. They both knew what they wanted; they never doubted their power to make it so. Their minds were set upon creating an abundant life. They knew they would live an abundant life and they became the masters of their own life.

The fact that the secret is simple shouldn't be a reason for you to not believe it. Look around, each and every thing you see started off as a thought a thought that someone had that they manifested into reality. The space shuttle, the pen you write with, the car you drive, the seat belt in that car, the window in your home, the toy that you child is playing with they all started off as a thought.

You can create the life you desire right now! You need to figure out what it is you really want. Be detailed and specific write it down even. Determine what it is you want and then find those things you have right now and be thankful for them. Remember, if you do not appreciate what you have now you will not be able to make things better for yourself.

Now think about what you want to create in your life. Let the thought consume you. Let it become a burning fire in your heart and soul. Get excited about it. The emotion adds even more power to the thought. So the message that you are sending out into the universe is the equivalent of a Tsunami, not just a little wave. Believe that you are going to have the life you want. Believe that it is coming to you and now make sure that you are doing everything you can to create it.

The secret of abundance is hidden inside your mind, thoughts and emotions. When you change your thought patterns, you can change your life! - 31856

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What Is The Real Meaning Of The Law Of Abundance?

By Kim McMillan

There is nothing complicated about the law of abundance, to put it simply all you need to do is believe. You should believe you deserve wealth, health, happiness, love and think positive. That is it, no more no less. All types of people have been abiding by this law for generations and this simplistic belief has reaped many benefits for them.

Its lack of difficulty is the best thing about the law of abundance. It may be a novel concept but the truth is everything you have and who you are is a product of what you have been thinking over the past few years. Believe it or not the things you do not have are also a product of this type of thinking.

Every day that you are alive, the law of abundance is available to you. Most people's problem is that the fail to take full advantage of this power in their life.

If you want your dreams to come true and manifest themselves in your life, you must look at what you have already. It is through appreciation for these things that you will see multiplication begin to take hold in your life.

Thinking positively may be common sense, however for the pessimistic individual it may feel like quite a challenge. Honestly though all you are, doing is breaking a lifelong bad habit. The law of abundance and its advantages do not have to be hard.

Each day when you wake up, you are the one who is creating the opportunities for wealth and happiness. By waking up in a bad mood, you are setting yourself up for disappointment and failure. Something that may help you to think more positively about your life is to leave little notes for yourself throughout your house reminding you of how lucky you are.

There is so much for you to obtain if you will just open yourself up to the law of abundance. Too often people derail their own happiness by not taking full advantage of the law. Take control of your thoughts and make the decision to live with a different mindset.

The next time a negative thought comes creeping around grab it and turn it around into a positive. Feeding off negative thoughts is something that some find beneficial. Making the law of abundance work for you through this may be easier for you particularly if pessimism comes naturally.

If you are prone to automatically assuming that you are fat, think to yourself, 'I am fit and thin'. Happiness will begin to abundantly flow into your life and you will be able to have whatever you want because positive energy is contagious.

If you are prone to thinking, 'I never have any money', think instead 'I have all that I need and more', and watch your life increase in abundance drastically.

Making the law of abundance a moving force in your life is something you can achieve. When you accept life, the way it is and appreciate what you already have, you open the door to the law and you will be absolutely amazed by how much better things will be. - 31856

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Guided Meditation To Relieve Stress

By Holly Fagan

Meditation is just a means for relaxing your mind in order to give it some respite from the stresses of daily life. You don't have to perform it for hours in order to enjoy its benefits; in fact, fifteen to twenty minutes a day is plenty for most people. Many people have misconceptions about meditation, believing it involves long periods in which you still as a rock without moving at all. But that is not what meditation is.

In general, there are two types of meditation practices - concentration meditation and mindfulness meditation. Concentration meditation involves focusing on an object, sound, mantra or even a movement pattern. In mindfulness meditation, on the other hand, you open your consciousness to your inner world, developing aware of your thoughts, feelings and perceptions. While it is possible to learn meditation through a process of trial and error, it would be better to study guided meditation techniques under an experienced and qualified teacher who will direct you as to the right practices to follow. However, there are a few simple techniques that you can try out so you can sample some of the benefits of a regular meditation routine.

It is important before you start any relaxation meditation technique to learn how to first have complete physical relaxation. There are many different ways to do this. One in particular is to sit in a chair with your back straight and imagine a bright light covering you from your toes to the top of your head. Once you feel that your body is completely covered by this light you will have the feeling of total inner calmness and physical relaxation.

A great guided mediation technique involves using your imagination you can imagine yourself floating in a river or watching some fish as they swim serenely in a pond or create a haven in your mind a place that you love. You can think about things like the temperature of this place, or what it is made of. When you have created this imagine in your mind you can imagine your self being there enjoying the peace it can bring.

There are many other tips for effectively using relaxation meditation. First start out in a quiet comfortable place where you can have total concentration and will not be disturbed. One of the major misconceptions of meditation is that you have to have your mind completely blank, this is not true. You should always try to focus all of your attention on something. Another tip is to eat a light meal before so your stomach isn't completely empty. Don't force your body to cooperate just sit back relax and let go. You will be able sense something in yourself that give your this peaceful feeling and lets you know that it's working. - 31856

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Free Remote Viewing - Anyone Can Learn How To Do It!

By Carl Wilkins

More than likely you're sitting here wondering what this 'free' thing is all about. There's nothing for free out there! That's true, but when it comes to free remote viewing, everyone has access to it. It doesn't matter how they choose to use it, it's there for the taking.

You've probably heard of psychics using remote viewing, and it's quite true that they are good at it in most cases. The thing is though, many people believe or have been told that you must be born with remote viewing in order to experience it. This could not be farther from the truth.

Each and every person has the ability to access their remote viewing abilities and become a remote viewer. The best part is that there are websites out there that will teach people how to utilize these powers. Problem is that many of them will charge a fee for you to access their content. With free remote viewing, there is no such issue.

Many people want to know why we never realized that we had this ability? As we grow, our parents or teachers tell us that visions, feelings, and anything related are simply imaginary. Over time they block out their abilities, and eventually deny that they ever existed in the first place.

Imagination is limitless, and it really is sad that it gets squashed before it ever fully develops. It probably even happened to you at some point. If you pay attention, children begin to act out as soon as their imaginations are 'taken away'.

Over time, an individual will worry themselves with immediate problems. Some of these things could be responsibilities, stress, and a plethora of other things. The stress become greater simply because we have forgotten how to use our imaginations.

Free remote viewing can be practiced right inside of the comfort of your own home. Once you have learned how to use it, you will be able to locate lost objects, foresee possible future events, and know what other people are thinking and where they are without actually being there with them or talking to them. Call it a sixth sense or psychic power, but it is merely a natural human capability.

What you're trying to do with your free remote viewing is try to get in touch with yourself on a higher plane of existence. For the most part, this cause for mediation.

Just let your mind go, push those fast paced thoughts out of your mind. When you have become relaxed, try to think about a person or a place that you know of. Look at it or them and see what's happening. If you have chosen a specific person, call them and see if you were right in your visions.

Free remote viewing practices should be done regularly as to enhance your abilities to their fullest potential. After you have taken the time to unleash your subconscious powers, you are going to notice that your life is filled with a sense of peace because you will feel whole.

While you put some time aside and try to put this skill to use, you'll connect with yourself, and you'll learn things about yourself that you never could have imagined. After a while you'll reach a new plane of awareness, one you never even thought possible. - 31856

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Is It Easy To Develop Telepathy?

By George J Dexon

Telepathy is the direct exchange of thoughts, feelings and emotions between the minds of two people. This is a method of communication which uses nothing but the power of the mind to convey a message.

Telepathy is an ability which every one of us innately possesses. However, this is also an ability which is not commonly practiced, so most people are unable to consciously use or control it. From time to time, all of us have moments where our natural telepathy comes into play. However, what if you could use this incredible communication ability consciously?

There is still a large amount of skepticism surrounding the use of mind powers of any degree but consider this: how many times have you been in a great mood only to meet a person who is gloomy and depressed. Within just a few minutes of talking with the miserable person, your own mood starts to reflect the same thing.

Was it what they said? Not at all, at least not with their words. It is telepathy which has allowed you to feel what your friend is feeling.

Scientific studies have shown that by accessing the sub-conscious centre of your mind and learning to focus your thoughts and feelings toward a specific person, it is possible to re-awaken the dormant telepathic abilities.

Just like the use of language, telepathy has to be learned. As children, we learn spoken and body language from our parents. We learn by imitating these methods of communication; similarly, telepathy may be learned.

Of course, your parents probably never taught you to use your telepathic abilities, but this does not mean that you cannot use them. All it means is that you have not yet been taught how.

Here are some methods which can help you to develop your inherent telepathic abilities.

Mental-Muscle training

In much the same way as young children need to learn to strengthen their voice boxes and learn to control how their mouth moves as they learn to make words, youll need to learn to strengthen and control your telepathic muscles.

The centers in your brain that control telepathic communication work most strongly on the sub-conscious level, or in the trance-like hypnotic state. This trance state is a level of relaxation all humans are capable of reaching without too much trouble.

You have to practice until it is easy for you to reach this state. Once you have managed to do this, you have started training your mind to use telepathy.


Learning to maintain your minds focus while youre in a trance state can be quite difficult to master. During your next deep relaxation session, focus on someone youd like to contact you.

Imagine this person and project happy thoughts. Visualize the person receiving your happy thoughts and feelings. Maintain your focus for as long as you think it takes the person to feel the connection between you.

Then withdraw your focus completely. Its important to stop the contact so the person will feel the loss of communication, which will prompt them to re-establish the connection and contact you in return.

You should begin practicing like this individually so that when you start training with a partner you will have already laid the necessary groundwork to send and receive these mental transmissions.

Partner Practice

Choose one person to be the receiver and one to be the sender. The sender should choose simple items to project. Choose items with clear, bright colors that are easily recognizable.

The receiver should keep a writing utensil and paper close at hand so that they can write down any communications they receive from the sender.

At the end of each practice session, compare notes and see how many images and impressions are correct. The more practice you get, the more accurate your image reception will become. - 31856

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The Benefits of Wearing The Right Yoga Clothes to Yoga Classes

By Jimi Lanronle

Cute yoga clothes? How do they match with yoga principles? The truth is that yoga is in the first line of practices meant to open the way to a new age of spirituality in the evolution of mankind since the body and soul have too long been seen as distinct in the western culture.

Generally speaking it doesn't really matter what you wear for a yoga class, the clothes in themselves are of little importance for your achievements, but some trainees really want to combine good looks with the yoga spiritual revolution. And this is how cute yoga clothes appeared in the first place.

For some people, spirituality and fashion trends do not exclude each other, there is no contradiction apparently. Well, this should not be a problem to prevent the correct practice at all. Is one distracted by the fashion aspect of the yoga clothes while performing the asanas? This could very well happen if you are too keen on good looks and dislike even the sweat ruining them. Here are a few tips to identify the really good yoga clothes with the mention that the fashion issue stays in the realm of individual choices and the selection criteria are purely personal.

Guide yourself after the quality of the fabric and its softness to determine how good the yoga clothes are. The body postures can be extremely strenuous and the clothes require the possibility to make ample movements while also absorbing the higher amount of perspiration. This is why cotton is favored over any other material for yoga clothes since it helps you remain drier and more comfortable for the entire period of the session even if the top is dripping wet at the end. Synthetic materials can have good absorbing qualities too, not to mention that the drying rate could be better than for cotton.

Some yoga clothes producers use a combination of synthetic and natural fibers for parts of their collections. The truth is that you can bring your individual yoga clothes purchased from casual wear stores; if you feel comfortable and you practice yoga successfully, then it is unimportant whether you wear a brand name or not. Most of the times wearing yoga clothes remains one other way to stay fashionable while preserving a certain self-image. It's entirely up to you! - 31856

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Why I Fall In Love With Jivamukti Yoga Method

By Jimi Lanronle

Jivamukti yoga is a method of yoga which was created by David Life and Sharon Gannon in 1984, and which reintegrates the physical, philosophical and spiritual aspects of yoga. Jivamukti is recognized at the international level as one of the main yoga practices together with Bikram, Kundalini, Viniyoga, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Integral and Kripalu. In the western world the rather physical part of yoga is mainly emphasized. More and more people are taking yoga classes in the attempt to make their bodies firmer and fitter.

Yet, lots of practitioners come to realize that what may seem a very strenuous physical workout is in fact a way to the inner self that opens one towards spirituality. David Life and Sharon Gannon took up teaching because they were eager to communicate the fact that yoga is more than just some physical exercises, but a path to enlightenment and a spiritual practice. Jivamukti yoga thus becomes a living translation of the Indian system of yoga for the western minds so that the practice doesn't remain out of reach. Among the elements emphasized by Jivamukti yoga we can count meditation, devotional chanting or the study of the ancient texts.

The meaning of the word Jivamukti (pronounced Jee-va-mook-tee) can be translated as follows: Jiva means individual soul and mukti means liberation. The word is derived from the Sanskrit jivanmuktih, which translates liberation in this life. The name Jivamukti yoga reflects the fact that it is possible to enjoy positive achievements and fulfillment while also progress spiritually, perhaps even attaining liberation while living.

There are five tenets of Jivamukti yoga which must be considered before taking into account the practice of it. A first tenet is the study of Sanskrit chanting and of ancient yoga traditions. The second one is the acknowledgment that universal consciousness is the goal of all yoga practices, known under the name of Bhakti. The third tenet is Ahimsa, that is a compassionate, peaceful life-style, which stresses the importance of ethical vegetarianism.

Nada comes forth, as the creation of a sound mind in a sound both through deep listening. The last tenet of Jivamukti yoga, although not the least, is meditation, that paves the way to the ever-lasting reality inside of us. Keep in mind that Jivamukti yoga classes are pretty intense, so you'd better be prepared for the challenge. Although it may seem difficult, the great fame of Jivamukti yoga in the United States is hard to pass unnoticed; there is a Jivamukti yoga School in New York, and there are experienced instructors teaching it all over the country. - 31856

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Everyone Is Clairvoyant

By Adrian Cooper

Basically, a clairvoyant is simply someone who has clairvoyance powers, in that they can often see things before they happen. As such, the powers which they possess are for the most part referred to as 'extrasensory perception', second sight, or sixth sense, and this phenomenon is something which can be traced as far back as the eighteenth century. In fact, literature from that era is full of accounts relating to seers and profits, and it's a well known fact that in those years clairvoyants were highly respected people. Such was their standing in society that they were often called upon by powerful leaders for the sake of giving advice and guidance.

The word 'clairvoyant' is a derivative of French which literally means, "clear vision". Even so, one could in fact say that clairvoyance has several meanings, considering that while some clairvoyants have powers in terms of receiving visions, others may read and interpret signs. Likewise, some may hear messages, while others will rely solely on their inner voice.

A person who practices clairvoyance is called a clairvoyant. Clairvoyants vary in skill, but many have the ability to see into beyond the present time into the future, offering those who use their services a glimpse of what is to come. Highly skilled practitioners may also be able to view events of the past. A few are able to pass beyond the realm of the living to communicate with those who have gone before.

It is believed that everyone is born clairvoyant. However, due to the tendency of society to stifle anything that doesn't fit within the norm, few people actually get the opportunity to develop their ability. The ones that do are often children of clairvoyant parents or adults who have taken the time to train their clairvoyance skills, whether through self-study or tutelage from an accomplished clairvoyant.

In the vast majority of cases, learning the skills usually begins with medication as this practice allows people to relieve themselves of stress and negativity. Meditation also enables a person to open up their mind in order to receive messages coming from the universe, which is why clairvoyants should ideally set aside at least half an hour each day so that they can spend time in a calm atmosphere in order to practice meditation.

Those in training are encouraged to clear their mind and not attempt to force clairvoyance. In some ways, a clairvoyant is like a person looking for a lost set of keys. Once the mind is cleared and the person is no longer struggling to find the keys, they are found.

Of course, as you manage to increase your power, you may begin including several other methods of clairvoyance, such as Tarot cards, palm reading, and etcetera. In fact, some of these alternative methods will very likely help you to understand, and to interpret some of the messages you receive.

You need to bear in mind that the more your skills develop the more you'll end up relying on your instincts, and as such, they become an integral part of your powers. This instinct which is often referred to as the 'inner eye' is perhaps one of the most powerful tools a clairvoyant has at their disposal. In fact, many people have an inner eye which manifests itself by giving us what some refer to as a 'gut feeling'. Most people have at some point instinctively known that something bad or good was about to happen. However, unlike clairvoyants, average people pay no attention to such feelings, let alone embrace them, and it's only by embracing them that it becomes possible to develop clairvoyance.

Furthermore, your mental attitude plays a significant role in terms of whether or not you have the ability to receive messages. The same applies, with regards to your immediate environment, in that if you live in chaos and your life is full of negativity, it will be impossible for you to clear your mind enough so that messages can be received. For this reason, clairvoyants often practice Feng shui, even if their lives are calm and positive.

You'll also find that practically all clairvoyants make use of aromatherapy, and even crystals, in order to rid their environment of negative energy. Furthermore, most clairvoyants also practice yoga in order to achieve a calm and peaceful spirit so that they can unlock the power within. While this may be sufficient enough for some, others also make use of hypnosis in order to read the mind and body of negativity completely.

Interestingly enough, clairvoyants are not mystical people who hide away from society, but instead, they can follow several paths with regards to their line of work. In fact, clairvoyants are often called upon by law enforcement agencies in order to provide assistance in solving crimes and to help find missing people. Likewise, many have used their skills and powers in order to establish a career, such as by writing books, appearing in television documentaries, and making predictions in magazine columns. Alternatively, some clairvoyants earn their living by offering readings, either in person, over the phone, or via the Internet. - 31856

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