Binaural Beats Meditation Stimulate Brain Functions

By Trevor Johnson

Meditation has been proven to stimulate brain functions. If you meditate on a regular basis, putting binaural beats to your meditation can greatly increase the benefit of the time spent during meditation. Binaural beats meditation will increase your ability to focus and complete tasks during a day. You also retain benefits that improve your memory and synchronize your overall brain activity.

Binaural beats use specific sounds placed in pre-designed patterns to help stimulate the brain while increasing overall brainwave activity. In various studies that have been done on binaural beats, people have had increased IQ's after using binaural beats during meditation.

If you meditate, and seriously want to improve your ability to focus and increase your retention rate of information during your day, then adding binaural beats to your meditation practice will greatly benefit your goals.

Binaural beats are two different beats within a 30 Hz range that work together to synchronize brain activity. When these two frequencies are heard together, and phenomenon occurs in the brain that generates synchronization of brain waves that improves brain function.

Binaural beats are generally two different beats at rates that are very similar. The beats are generally on a frequency that is within 30 Hz of each other. This creates low frequency pulsation and sounds that are perceived in a special way when these two different frequencies are heard together.

Brainwave entrainment has proven to have interesting effects on the perception of sounds. When people hear stereo equipment or other electronic sources of sounds after listening to binaural beats they will hear things other people cannot. This hearing enhancement is different from person to person, so there's a chance that you won't experience it but, then again, there's a chance you will!

Binaural beats generally come in frequencies that range from Delta waves to Gamma waves. Delta waves are below 4 Hz and Gamma waves are above 40 Hz. If you'd like to increase your mental awareness you will want to use gamma waves. If you'd like to enter a sleep like state you will want to use lower frequency waves such as theta waves. All of these different waves can be used to enter a meditation like state, but theta waves are the best for deep meditation. - 31856

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Spiritual Mushrooms Used Historically in Religious Rituals

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Since at least 5,000 B.C., people have used "spiritual mushrooms" in their religious rituals. The San Peoples of Tassili in southeast Algeria left behind cave paintings illustrating dancing, masked medicine men with mushrooms in their hands. It's believed the mushrooms were of the consciousness-altering variety.

The area of Tassili is today an arid and desolate mountainous region of the Sahara desert but in the day of the cave painters, it had a habitable savannah-like climate with cattle, crocodiles and other large animals. Cultural ties of the San Peoples are evidenced across the Sahara region from Chad to Egypt, and perhaps in extension all the way to Greece.

Jumping forward 3,400 years in time to Greece, 1,600 B.C., we find the Eleusinian Mysteries. Continuous for an astounding two millennia, the Eleusinian Mystery initiation was the most important spiritual ceremony of ancient Europe. Scholars believe the Mysteries involved use of consciousness-altering mushrooms. With well-known participants like Plato and Aristotle, its influence on western civilization cannot be denied.

Later Vikings are known to have consumed limited amounts of the today much feared poisonous species Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria). Ironically, they appear to have used it to overcome fear through religious rituals in which they danced and ate mushrooms before fearlessly going into battle.

It may not have been an admirable type of spirituality practiced by this warrior culture but it was none-the-less part of their religious practices whatever we may think of them. Siberian shamans are also said to have used Fly agaric in their spiritual practices to help them talk to their gods.

Fly agaric is even put forth as the source of "soma," a juice described in ancient Vedic texts as bestowing divine qualities on the consumer, including immortality. Convincing arguments linking Fly agaric to Soma are presented by R. Gordon Wasser in his book Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality. His theory, although not proven, hasnt been disproven either.

(Please note: Fly agaric is poisonous. It can also be easily confused with other more deadly species. Consumption is strongly discouraged.)

On the other side of the ocean from Europe, the Mixtec culture likewise employed mind-altering mushrooms in their spiritual ceremonies, as recorded in the Mixtec Codex (13th-15th century). Their Gods were frequently engraved with mushrooms in hand.

In spite of the fact that the Mixtec people of central Mexico self-professed to use spiritual mushrooms in their religious ceremonies, western scholars still questioned it in a characteristically condescending fashion.

American botanist William Safford argued that peyote buttons were mistaken for mushrooms, while other scientists insisted that the Mixtec culture really did use mind-expanding mushrooms in their religious rituals.

The debate raged on until the early 1930s, when amateur anthropologist Robert Weitlaner got invited to witness an original spiritual ceremony that included the use of consciousness-altering mushrooms.

Two decades later, R. Gordon Wasser and his wife Valentina Povlovna were the first white people to participate in a Velada (mushroom ceremony). This religious ceremony lead by shaman Don Aurelio was described by Wasson in a 1957 Life Magazine article, which became the spring-board for public awareness of mind-altering mushrooms.

Out of 60 Psilocybe species, 25 are known to contain the mind-altering compounds psilocin (unstable) and psilocybin (stable). The two species Psilocybin caerulescens and Psilocybin mexicana are believed to be the ones used by the Mixtec. Although Psilocybin cubensis is now more common even in America, it is believed to have arrived with the Europeans.

Spiritual mushrooms have been illegal in most of the world since the 1970's because of their potential misuse as recreational drugs. Only in The Netherlands were fresh Psilocybe allowed to be sold until less than a year ago.

But after a 17-year old French tourist killed herself by jumping off a bridge after consuming Psilocybe mushrooms, the Dutch parliament voted to ban all sale of so called "magic mushrooms." The ban took effect on December 1, 2008. The use of consciousness-altering mushrooms in spiritual practices is now officially history. - 31856

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Lose Weight Now Through Hypnosis Effectively

By Pamela Johnson

Many are 'dieting' around us to shed the extra fat. But the word 'diet' is defined as a person's 'customary or prescribed foods'. If your customary meal consists of large quantity of fattening foods, that is your diet. What is needed is to lose weight now through hypnosis, by removing the word 'diet' from your vocabulary. The time has come to stop dieting and start losing weight.

You must have been focusing on the physical aspects of losing weight. In that case, you have to shift your focus on the mental cravings and urges for fattening foods. The solution lies in eliminating the mental cravings and creating a desire for proper quantity of healthy foods for your body and activity level.

The real obstacle is how to remove this craze for fattening food and how it can be replaced with a desire for healthy food. Another important problem is how to get motivated to exercise. The solution lies in changing your attitudes about exercise and food. Changing attitudes can be extremely difficult for many. But with lose weight now through hypnosis changing your mindset is easier than you think. Hypnosis CDs, books and personal counseling sessions can be of immense help in this regard.

In order to understand how hypnosis works to help you lose weight, you should know the simple concept about the two mental levels everyone has - the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious is your logical and reasoning mind, whereas your subconscious mind does no reasoning. It simply obeys whatever your conscious thoughts tell it to do. When you were a child your subconscious was programmed to crave food and to eat when you felt hungry. Your conscious thoughts have reinforced and modified that programming, till you have reached to the level of having uncontrolled cravings for food. Now you have to change your subconscious programming by creeping into the conscious mind and reprogramming the subconscious. It is this reprogramming that is done through hypnosis.

This reprogramming takes place when you go through the materials of lose weight now through hypnosis. Your attitude towards food and exercise changes drastically and you will be motivated to exercise. You lose cravings for fattening foods and start yearning for healthy foods. Thus you will be enjoying a body which you always wanted to have through hypnosis. - 31856

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Pilates In New York City: It's Not Too Late To Get In Shape

By Kris Collinsworth

We all know it, bigger is not better. These days we are all trying to look our best, our skinniest best. We may not like it, but that's how it is. There are a lot fitness programs out there, but the best and least intrusive way to get in shape is Pilates.

New York City has some of the hottest Pilates spots. They are the best way to tone up your core muscles as well as the arms and legs. This type of exercise doesn't leave you bulky, but lean and strong. Fortunately, NYC Pilates has all the resources to get started in Pilates.

There are any number of quality Pilates classes in New York that can help you train and properly work out. You don't need to be an expert when you attend your first class, since everything in these classes are designed to help you gradually work your way up from simple to more complex and strenuous exercises.

There are also many that are willing to offer private classes or sessions so you don't have to feel awkward in a large group. You can get the attention and focus you need to maximize your experience. There are many instructors and studios that are willing to do this.

NYC Pilates lets you get in shape by doing more than just lifting weights and running. Pilates classes can help you nurture your body by keeping it active but relaxing it at the same time. Think of it as a slightly more active version of Yoga. When you get into the classes you will walk away feeling totally revitalized rather than totally worn out.

Many people turn to Pilates to start their day. Others use it to relax after a long and stressful day in the office. It doesn't matter when you do your exercising, there will be a NYC Pilates class to take care of you. It isn't that hard to find a gym that has an open spot to fit your schedule. And if you go to a reputable establishment, you can count on safe, effective, and incredibly fun sessions.

Finding a local Pilates class in New York doesn't have to be difficult. Most of them will be listed online and there are plenty of resources available to discover the one closest to you. You can even find reviews on different gyms, discover some special offers, or even sign up over the Internet. It can save you time and effort and help you get started that much faster.

Stop paying for a gym membership you don't use and stop using obsolete methods for trying to get the beach body you've been looking for. NYC Pilates is the best way to tone up this summer and get you feeling healthy about your living! - 31856

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Free Hypnosis To Lose Weight Effectively

By Joe Harrell

To a great extent, binge eating is a natural response. In olden times there was acute shortage of food and humans had to gorge on any food that was available. This pattern is uncalled for now owing to the availability of surplus food. Still, the subconscious mind has this tendency, though there is absolutely no need of it. The result would be over weight and associated problems. Free hypnosis to lose weight will not only bring you closer to the weight loss goals you may have, it also helps you in gaining more self respect.

Hypnosis helps you to overcome wrong eating habits like binge eating, sugar addiction etc. Regular sugar consumption can lead to sugar addiction, where you have to use sugar to get over the ill effects of your last hit. In order to have a lasting weight loss, it is important to have the kinds of food which are good for your body. It is equally important to avoid unhealthy foods. Healthy eating habits should start from cooking healthy food. However, with the help of advanced hypnosis session along with a little experimentation and creativity from yourself, you can easily make the bigger change to your health and wellbeing.

Comfort eating can also be avoided through free hypnosis to lose weight. People consume cookies and cakes as relaxants, without paying attention to the harm they do. Comfort eating increases weight tremendously because of the varieties of food involved. However hypnosis will help you to relax without adding to your weight.

Fast food is another type of food to be avoided to reduce weight. Though it is delicious and convenient the health hazards involved are wide and varied. The nutritional gap created by unhealthy food makes it difficult for you to choose healthy food. Hypnosis assists you to reset you attitude to fast food and you can escape the trap laid by food companies. When you are able to overcome the strong desire to eat fast food, you will create space in your mind for healthy food options which is helpful for weight loss and optimal health.

The most difficult part of any weight loss program is sustaining motivation. Free hypnosis to lose weight on the other hand heighten your subconscious resolution and maintain that initial levels of motivation to help you achieve your dream goal of weight loss. - 31856

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Hypnosis CD?s Helps You To Achieve Greater Success

By Ray Earnest

All of us yearn for success, but most of us achieve only ten percent of what we hope for or are capable of achieving. This individual loss accumulates to form the loss of success of society. The individual success of citizens has a vast impact on the successful course of the whole country and hence it is of utmost importance that we find lasting solutions to this problem. Hypnosis has been helping people to scale greater heights of success. Hypnosis CD's which are available everywhere are capable of unlocking the mental blocks that restrict the boundaries of our imagination. This results in the increase of our mental power.

The improved mind power garnered through hypnosis can be of immense help in both your personal and professional matters. The improved mental gumption helps you to get things done your way, invite close attention from your dream partner, land your dream job, improve your respectability, throw off harmful habits including smoking, all kinds of addictions and understand those around you better.

Hypnosis is a process that entails bringing the subject into a tranquil psychological and physical condition and then conversing with the subconscious mind. It is possible to do this on one's own with the help of hypnosis CD's. These CDs comes in many types and deals with positive themes like love, prayer etc. For first time users, introductory CDs that deal with the scope of hypnosis, its reliability, usefulness etc, are essential.

Many of these CDs are great in their content and effectiveness. If you have a good collection of them, you may not need the services of others in your tryst to enhance your mental power and the resulting success in life. Mostly, the contents of the CDs are made more effective by adding brainwave synchronization methods. The subject is advised to undergo each session diligently without letting any outside occurrence affect their concentration.

You have to shell out a nominal amount for the hypnosis CD's available over the Internet. Some CDs are available free of cost also. Millions have achieved success in their lives by listening to them and obeying the instructions carefully. You can also turn a new page in your life by undergoing hypnosis with the aid of these valuable recordings. - 31856

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The Efficacy Of Free Hypnosis Scripts

By Ray Earnest

Hypnosis is a process that improves self-belief, removes undesirable habits, eradicates unfounded fears and provides a new life. The process entails putting the mind of a subject into a trance or extreme relaxed state and then instilling suggestions for improvement in his subconscious mind. People with inferiority complex, those who suffer from unhealthy behavioral traits and destructive habits like smoking, excessive drinking etc can also be cured in this way. However, the hypnotist needs to follow certain well-set scripts in treating each situation. Free hypnosis scripts can come handy in this endeavor.

Hypnosis is not a magic act. The scripts are made and practiced by professionals after long years of research and experimenting so that it affects the brain directly. It has been proved that these scripts are very effective, reliable and provide long-lasting solutions to all your behavioral problems and wrong character traits. A professionally prepared hypnosis script necessarily contains pre-hypnosis conditioning talk to make your mind receptive to new ideas being installed, the main part that sets a new corrective path and a final portion that brings the hypnotized mind back to normalcy calmly and safely.

The contents and tenor of each hypnosis script differ as per the requirement of the subject. We can find scripts dealing exclusively with addiction problems like alcohol dependence, drugs, compulsive and impulsive shopping and eating habits, chain smoking, pornography, gambling, attraction towards particular kinds of foods etc. Similarly, scripts for managing our behavior, including anger management, conquering wrong habits like road rage, habitual swearing, frustration etc can also be found.

Some suffer from an inferiority complex arising from anxiety regarding body image. Some lack courage to take decisions in business and finance matters. Another big group suffers from fears and phobias. Some worry about child and infertility issues while yet another group lacks confidence that results in embarrassing behavior trends. Children and adolescents have their own anxieties like fear of exams, peer pressure etc while some suffer from issues like body image etc.

The prescribed free hypnosis scripts differ in each of these cases. If properly exercised, these scripts can act as life chargers to most of us. So if you have any mental blocks preventing you from prosperity and healthy life, resort to using these scripts and see your life improving dramatically. - 31856

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Massage Chairs Are The Virtual Option For A Massage Therapist

By Rebecca Mistelli

Are you ready for a day at the spa? But you just can't seem to make enough time? Well, it is even more important today in times of stress, to make time for relaxation. This helps us better cope with the trauma associated with stress in our lives. One of the biggest problems of getting effective relaxation is convenience. Has our time has become more viable, we need practical ways to maximize it. Receiving periodic frequent massage therapy is certainly beneficial. Massage chairs provide the perfect way to provide effective relief when you need it.

There is a big shift in people wanting natural treatments and products. Many people have become suspicious of Big Medicine and Big Pharmaceuticals. They are seeking natural treatments and prevention. Massage therapy provides a range of natural remedies for your soreness and stiffness.

Many have a perception of massage being only the forte of the rich. Hollywood has certainly glamorized the day at the spa. The benefit of receiving these therapies are not reserved for the rich only.

Whenever you are under stress, your body reacts. The typical reaction of your body is to be ready for action. It may turn more defensive or offenses in your bodily reaction. In any case, the body is primed to take action.

When we come under stress, our body releases adrenaline. This primes the pump and increases the heart rate and blood flow. The body also goes into self protect mode. It redirects blood to critical processes for immediate action. Other less important processes are minimized. We are ready for action, but do we actually take action?

Modern times has shifted stress from less physical dangers to more psychological. We may stress about paying our bills. This causes a stressful reaction on the body. As our mind ruminates on its stressors, our bodies are filled with tension.

These psychological stresses impact the body. It initiates the stress reaction in our bodies. This results in a build up in tension and stiffness. The muscles and joints are readied to work at an elevated rate, but there is no physical release.

Many people have turned to massage therapy as a natural remedy for pain, discomfort and relaxation. This type of treatment helps relieve and soothe the muscles, joints and soft tissue areas.

Environment of calmness is needed to relax your body and mind. If you concentrate on your troubles, then you will be unable to release the tension being held over your body. This makes it tougher to remove the tension and stiffness you are experiencing

However, the key to getting healthy benefits from massage therapy is to receive them on a frequent and periodic basis. It is like diet and exercise; you must do it more than once. If you can make it a habit then this is very beneficial to the body short-term and long-term.

The most convenient way to get frequent massage therapy is with a massage chair. This allows you to have a treatment on demand. It easily accommodates your busy schedule and allows you to take advantage of shorter treatments. You also have peace of mind in not having to go to an appointment at a specified time.

A massage chair is a great compliment to your overall health program. It can be easily integrated into your lifestyle. Use it to warm up before stretching and exercise. Or you can use it as warm down after physical exertion. You don't need an excuse, just grab a seat and relax. The massage chair will do the rest.

You do not have to be rich or famous to get the benefits of frequent massage therapy. A massage chair provides a practical and economical alternative to receiving periodic massage treatments. Get your health or around in full gear with on-demand massage chair therapy. - 31856

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Best Stop Smoking Hypnosis Helps People To Escape Addiction

By Joe Harrell

Habits stick to our life once they are formed. Smoking is one such habit and many around us are at a loss not knowing how to quit smoking. Best stop smoking hypnosis is a boon for those people trying to get rid of smoking. Hypnotherapy has been found to be a positive and easy way for quitting smoking. The high quality hypnosis and clever psychological approaches have been helping thousands of people to come out of the vicious circle of smoking.

Normally four sessions are needed for effective hypnosis. But some hypnotherapists claim that it can be done in one session. Follow up sessions would be arranged, if needed. Hypnosis mainly consists of positive affirmations and suggestions. Along with these other hypnotherapy techniques are also involved in the smoking cessation session. The power and effect of the suggestions would be multiplied when they are listened over and over again. That is why, at the end of the session a CD is given to the client to take it home. He can listen to the suggestions at his will, any number of times.

Considering the financial and health costs incurred in a life time of smoking, best stop smoking hypnosis session charges are nominal. Quitting smoking may look to be an unpleasant task. The nicotine is difficult to be eliminated from the system during smoking cessation. But tremendous improvement would be there once it goes out of the system. Overcoming the initial hurdles, the client moves to a path of total life time freedom. Since hypnosis sessions address the psychological addiction of smoking, the process becomes easier.

If the smoker thinks that stopping smoking deprives him of something, there is every possibility that he starts it again. Hypnotherapy has solution to this problem also. All the emotional and psychological aspects of winning over the tendency to smoke are addressed in hypnosis. Stress is given to the advantages of smoking cessation in hypnosis session such as optimum health, freedom, fitness etc.

Best stop smoking hypnosis has given a new life to many smokers who were wallowing in hopelessness. For the same reasons many consult hypnotherapists. The new life as a non-smoker improves the social status of the person that he can hold his head high and lead a decent life as a productive member of the society. - 31856

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Check Out Online Psychic Readers

By John Atanasov

Online psychic readers have probably heard it all. But there are some things you shouldn't ask a psychic in a live online reading and some things you definitely should ask. It's helpful to know how to phrase your questions as well. This will ensure that you get the best from your psychic reading.

Many online psychic readers are not comfortable answering questions about health. This is because most of them are not doctors and to answer medical questions could be construed as practicing medicine. Questions relating to pregnancy, fertility, STDs, and the like are better addressed with your medical practitioner. It's not that a psychic can't answer these kinds of questions, because some online psychics are also medically intuitive. But to ask these questions in an online reading is just not appropriate in most instances and most online psychics won't answer them. For the same reason, posing legal questions to an online psychic falls into another gray area, and some psychics won't answer those either.

What you should ask about is relationship issues, career issues, money issues, business partnerships, family issues. There are some very good empaths online who can tune right in to what another person is feeling and thinking about you. And that can be helpful for you to know if you need to make imminent decisions. Ask about your future as well, but do it in a specific, rather than general way.

Phrase your specific questions in a way that the psychic can tune in quickly and bring you back an accurate answer. For example, do not ask broad ranging questions such as "Do you have any messages for me?" Ask instead "Does my father, Chris, who crossed over in April have any advice for me about what to do regarding my career?" Do not ask "What am I supposed to know?" Ask instead "What exactly do I need to know about my job situation?" Ask "Will I get a promotion or a raise and when?" Ask "When will I get another job?" Ask "Should I move to Arizona or California?" instead of "Should I move?" If you're involved in a lawsuit, ask what the outcome will be. Ask if you will prevail in any upcoming legal battles. Do not ask "What's going to happen in my life?"

In terms of relationships, do not give a false name about someone you'd like to know about. This can result in inaccurate information being brought to you. Ask "How do you see the relationship between me and so and so shaping up? Does it lead to long term commitment? Or is it just a temporary fling? How long do you see us staying together? Do we have real connection there? Or is our relationship just about lessons?" Ask if the person has genuine feelings for you. If you're looking for your soul mate ask "Do you see anyone new entering my life and when?" Ask if they know the person's name as well. Ask then if this person is your soul mate or not.

Ask "What should I do about my sick mother? Should I put her in a home, should I hire a caretaker?" Do not ask "When is my mother going to cross over?" Ask if there is anything you need to clear up with your mother. And then do so.

Do ask for clarification on lessons you are currently working on. Do ask what you need to know or do to make those lessons easier or bring a cycle to a conclusion. Ask for time frames. Some psychics can furnish these. Some can't. Some throw out names and dates just say they do so. That is why it's important to take notes during an online psychic reading. Then you can refer back to your notes to see if the psychic's predictions have come to pass or not. We are definitely attached to knowing when and how. While an online psychic reading can sometimes help you with that, be aware that we do change things with our free will. So time frames can shift depending on what you do or do not do. Now that you know what to ask and how to phrase it you're ready for to call for your online - 31856

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How Hypnosis Stop Smoking Permanently

By David Hughes

There are many destructive habits which people indulge in. Smoking is one such fatal habit, which has proved to be the biggest killer of human beings. Numerous health problems like strokes, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, oral cancers and emphysema are caused by the addiction of tobacco products. Many theories have been floating on how to kick off this bad habit, but the sorry state of affair is that most of them are ineffective. Here comes the importance of hypnosis stop smoking therapy stands apart among these as an amazing method to escape from the fatal habit.

The habit of smoking is voluntarily acquired. Different people start smoking for varied purposes. Some start doing it to as a means of escape from boredom, others use it to feel macho and yet another group does it as a way of recreation. The addiction to smoking is like alcohol or drug addiction where even the routine affairs would be disturbed in the absence of their supply. This points towards the psychological aspects behind smoking habit.

hypnosis stop smoking is considered as the greatest tool against smoking. Human mind has tremendous potential. It has the capacity to control all situations of your day-to-day affairs. No external agencies can make you vulnerable to temptations. This mastery is achieved through hypnosis.

The dangerous habit of smoking can be overcome by resorting to hypnosis. You have the options to either buy some hypnosis recordings or to avail the services of a hypnotherapist. In any case anti-smoking suggestions are utilized for hypnosis. A trance like mental state is induced in you and the hypnotherapist gives anti-smoking suggestions to your sub conscious mind. All temptations regarding cigarette can be overcome by conditioning your mind through hypnosis.

Once you get addicted to tobacco, you feel like you can not live without it. But you will be amazed to see the change in you after the hypnosis stop smoking sessions. Your mind will get the realization that it is your potential foe, threatening your good health and over all well being. When your mind is purified of the compulsive desire to smoke, your body would get adjusted to a life devoid of nicotine. Thus your body becomes fit and energetic and that will lead to happiness and contentment. - 31856

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Chakra Meditation - Chakra Sound Secrets Revealed!

By Nisal Karuiyaratna

The chakra is a Sanskrit word that literally means a spinning wheel or vortex. Its other meaning are the seven chakras found in the human body which corresponds to the glandular systems of the body. Each chakra is a center of spinning energy where the first chakra is found at the base of the spine while the seventh, at the crown.

It is known that the chakra is a center of spinning energy, and that everything that moves causes vibrations. With this vibration, you find sound and this is why different parts of the body vibrate with different chakra sounds at different frequencies.

The seven chakras have seven chakra sounds associated with it. In addition to sound, colors also vibrate at a specific frequency and each chakra has a color associated with it. It is the combined effort of chakra sound and color that helps restore balance in the chakras, which in turn restores health.

It is easy to turn to sound healing, with the help of chakra sounds. You only need your voice to feel better, calmer and clearer in a matter of minutes. These chakra sounds should be said softly and gently for not longer than five minutes.

1. You start with an UH sound, which is the deepest sound you can make. You have to do this with your eyes closed and attention focused on the base chakra, found at the spine base. You have to be aware of the sound resonance in the body; not from your throat, but from where the chakra is. You can complement visualization of this chakra sound with red color. This chakra sound has to be made for a minute or two but not more than five minutes.

2. The second chakra is located about three inches below the naval where you find the second chakra sound OOO. This chakra sound is complimented with the color orange and has to be chanted with eyes closed. This helps you experience the balancing of the chakra with other chakras for a minute or two.

3. OH is the chakra sound from the third chakra, the navel chakra. This chakra is located in the naval area and its complimenting color is the color yellow. This chakra sound starts softly and gently but is of a higher tone than the previous sound.

4. AH is the sound people cry out when in love, and is also the chakra sound for the heart chakra. This chakra is located in the middle of the chest, and is related to love. It is associated with the color green and has to be started with a soft and gentle sound that has a higher pitch than the previous chakra sound.

5. EYE is the chakra sound for the throat chakra that can be complimented with blue. This chakra sound too has to be higher in pitch than the previous sounds.

6. The chakra sound for the third eye found in the forehead between and slightly higher than the two eyes is AYE. The color that goes with this chakra sound is indigo. The chakra sound has to start with a soft and gentle tone, but with a higher pitch than the last sounds.

7. EEE is the highest sound you can create for the crown chakra found at the top of the head. Purple can be used for complimenting this chakra sound which starts with the highest EEE sound you can make. This chakra sound too starts soft and gentle.

You have to close your eyes when chanting all the chakra sounds while concentrating on different chakras. When you focus on the different chakras, you find chakra sounds projecting from the respective chakras. And with the resonance of the sound chakras, each chakra starts balancing and aligning with other chakras.

After the exercise, you are sure to feel light headed. It is better to relax or meditate after this to process your experience and realize the actual benefits you gain through chakra sounds. - 31856

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Thoughts On Telepathy

By David A Andrews

Sure you may have heard about telepathy before, but do you know the meaning of the word? The easiest way to explain it is when you experience "feelings over a distance." Simply put, it is when someone takes their emotions and transmits it to another without using any actions like hearing, touching, sight, words, or anything else.

Telepathy is simply a natural, although misunderstood level of communication. Over the years animal trainers and scientists have come to the realization that animals use telepathic communications when connecting with one another, not just when up close, but also over great distances.

You will also hear about anthropologists who believe that many of the primitive tribes out there today can utilize this power. While it's not easy to do, they have been able to harness the abilities of telepathy.

The truth of the matter is that telepathy isn't some esoteric subject. If we would believe that it's just as reputable as learning a new language, people would accept it much easier. Seriously, we always recognize those who have issues with speech, so why is it so difficult to acknowledge those individuals who possess extraordinary powers. Shouldn't we consider the people who can't do it as just having defectiveness?

So knowing this, we have to believe that most of humanity has simply lost their ability to connect with the telepathy that the mind has an available. It should be as easy as the way to respond to music and your other five senses.

What it comes down to is that telepathy and that "sixth sense" is connected. You may know the term "third eye" to be a more descriptive answer in your area.

You have probably already utilized your telepathic power and haven't even realized it. This is mostly because we consider these to be gut feelings or instincts. Maybe you just felt as though someone was looking over your shoulder, or you're worried about a family member all of the sudden. These things happen all the time and the end result is that you're usually right. It's amazing how we accept this in our world, but the mention of it being connected to telepathy and most people turn their head.

What you'll find is that our society has simply lost touch with the ability to utilize our telepathic power. How this began will probably never be answered, but it's believed that it was constantly down played by religions all over the world. Most predominantly were Christianity and Islam. They believe that this is the power of Satan and not a tool the human mind already has inside.

Sometimes there is nothing you can do when fighting a religion. Many people believe that all the religions have so much power over our society that most people have been taught to put no faith in telepathy. This is because it's believed that the Messiah, Savior, or Prophet has to the natural abilities to do something of this magnitude.

Knowing this, you have to wonder why they are so distrustful when it comes to telepathy. In our own opinion it has to do with the power struggle between religious leaders. Why would they want someone else challenging them if they knew about telepathy? Granted not every leader is like this, but the majority has been throughout history.

Then of course if it's not religious talk, you can always turn to the scientific thoughts. Even though we do have open-minded scientists who believe in telepathy, there are some out there who think it's virtually impossible. The thought behind it is that you cannot taste or touch it, nor numerically measured. Believing this only keeps the positive thoughts at bay.

Instead you will find that we classify telepathic experiences as connections and instincts. We believe this is true only because those scientists, who try to bring the negative side to it, can't experience it themselves. However, they're always quick to acknowledge a strange or gut feeling as an instinct. While this wouldn't normally be a big deal, it's hard to understand considering these traits are just as elusive as telepathy.

Some believe it could be that the scientists who oppose telepathy are simply jealous. After all, it doesn't seem fair that someone could do something like this, which is why they don't want anyone else to have them. So instead of branding something different, it is always considered an instinctive response.

We many never find out the true reason why humanity lost touch, but it could date back as far as the story around the Tower of Babylon. Seeing how this was the time when languages were to confuse people, it's possible that the language of telepathy disappeared. - 31856

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Learn How To Astral Project Naturally

By David Groomes

Each and every person in the world can astral project. In fact, many of us do so, although we might not know that this is what we're doing. The ability to consciously astral project and be in control of the experience can be learned with practice.

You probably already know about the astral body and the astral plane, so we'll jump right into techniques which can assist you in your efforts to learn how to astral project. Different people do better using different methods, so you'll probably want to try out a few until you hit on one which gets good results for you.

There is one technique which you can practice as you're lying in bed about to go to sleep. There are five steps to this method.

*First: Start by tensing, then relaxing every part of your body. Start with your toes and work your way up to your head. You'll probably begin to feel heavy; this is nothing to worry about and is a sign that you're becoming deeply relaxed.

*Second; Focus on your breathing. Take deep, slow breaths and concentrate on the feeling of the air filling your lungs. Exhale slowly, visualizing your tension and stress leaving your body each time you exhale.

*Third; Concentrate on the feeling of your body's total relaxation. Think of it as a stone or a lump of earth; something which is heavy and immobile. Now refocus your attention to your astral body; think about how light it feels, weightless in fact. Close your eyes and visualize your astral body floating away on the breeze.

*Fourth; At this point, you may find that you're able to see perfectly in your room even tough your eyes are closed. Your room will be bathed in purple light. Focus on the light coming from the ceiling.

*Fifth; Try to visualize pulling this light to your astral body. You'll feel like you're floating; this is your astral body floating above your physical body. Just look down and you'll be able to see your bed with your physical body at rest below.

If you've made it this far successfully, you are astral projecting and can begin on your astral travels. If this method doesn't work for you, however, there is another technique which many find useful.

This technique can help you as you learn to astral project. This is called the gazing method and it's quite simple. You need to choose something to focus your attention on; it doesn't really matter what it is, just something which is visible from your bed.

With this object in your line of sight, lie in bed and focus on it. Even as your eyes begin to feel heavy, continue to focus on the object, staring at it. Eventually you won't be able to keep your eyes open, but you should be able to see it even now with your eyes closed. You might feel like sitting or standing, so go ahead; but don't panic when you see your sleeping physical body lying in bed!

If you aren't immediately successful with these techniques, don't give up. There are other ways to astral project, though any technique can take some practice. Be persistent and you will learn how to astral project before too long.

It's not really all that important how you start to astral project. Whatever works for you is great; the important thing is to let your subconscious mind know that it's OK for your astral body to depart to travel the astral plane and that there's nothing to fear. One way you can get this message across to your subconscious mind is by using affirmations.

There are plenty of techniques which can make it easier to astral project and you should use whatever works best for you.

Hypnosis is something which a lot of people find helps them to astral project. Especially for beginners, a guided hypnosis session can help. Having an expert there to tell you what's happening and what to do next at each step is valuable guidance.

New audio technology has enabled something called binaural beats which can produce a relaxed, meditative state using slightly different frequencies in each ear. A lot of people find binaural beats to make it easy to astral project.

Learning how to astral project isn't actually that difficult. It's really just about practicing. This is an ability which every man and woman already possesses; it just takes a little work and a little patience to learn to do it at will. Just like being able to read, it's something you're born with the capacity to do; but you do need to practice to become expert in it. - 31856

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The Things You Should Know About Hypnosis

By Benjamin Cox

Hypnosis and its subset, hypnotherapy, have always been mired in myths. Some believe them to be some type of magic while others hesitate to even acknowledge them. Some of the popular myths linked with hypnosis and the reality behind them are given below.

Hypnosis has no link with any sort of dark arts. It hinges more on the science of psychology and is very simple to practice for anyone who is prepared to learn it. People refuse to acknowledge hypnosis even after watching participants effectively experiencing its power in public sessions. They say that hypnotised subjects allow practitioners to be successful in their art by not displaying enough will power to block the influence of their words. But this again is a complete distortion of truth. Even people with strong will power can fall under the charms of a specialist hypnosis practitioner.

Another myth is that hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, which again is a big misconception. A hypnotized person is totally aware of his surroundings. That individual is just in a relaxed state where the concentration levels are very high and the person can receive suggestions easily.

Some scientific findings have stated that only about 5% of the population is suitable to be hypnotized, which is the third myth on this list. The scientists are somewhat true in their own way, because they attempted hypnotising the group by the same hypnosis method without acknowledging individual differences in nature and disposition. One hypnosis technique for all is not a workable answer as different individuals come under different character types, and therefore are responsive to different techniques.

Meditation and hypnosis are usually confused with each other. However, interaction between the subject and the practitioner is paramount in hypnosis, while meditation is like an engagement with the self without any external interaction involved. The state of trance and the state of hypnosis are entirely different from each other too. Just like meditation, trance is a state of mind, and it is not linked with communication in any manner, whereas the very crux of the hypnosis technique is communication.

A sizeable number of people believe that it is impossible to bring about alterations in one's looks and conduct through hypnosis training or hypnotherapy. Hypnosis certainly cannot alter the body in unnatural ways. But by mentally conditioning a person to give up addictive habits like overeating and chain smoking, and by raising one's motivation levels, hypnosis can usher in important physical changes in a person and ensure a healthier body.

Hypnosis, and particularly hypnotherapy, can have an important function to play in the overall welfare of a person, and not giving them a try just because of some false notions is a missed opportunity. - 31856

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Hypnosis Training - Be A Professional While Helping Others

By Pamela Green

Many reputed institutes offer certified courses on hypnosis, especially on its curative branch, hypnotherapy. Gaining proficiency in the art of hypnotherapy and using it in everyday life is possible through these training modules.

Such training aims at making participants excellent mind readers and makes them competent in tracing the buried reasons behind low self confidence and other mental problems that the subject might be afflicted with. The knowledge and skills gained through this training can help you to radically transform your own personality as well as improve the lives of the people around you.

The course is just one of the several devices required to become a successful hypnotist. Just like any other discipline, hypnosis too, requires a lot of practice and dedication. A very important quality that makes people successful in hypnosis training is having a healthy and uninhibited mind. A person possessing such a mind also possesses positive qualities like high concentration, fearlessness and strong determination.

Hypnotherapy is a potent healing tool that brings with it a variety of advantages. Hypnotherapy training can bring life altering changes in a person by helping him to establish communication with the subconscious. The technique enables the practitioner to use the person's subconscious mind to instil positive thoughts that can significantly alter the person's conduct and eradicate his problems.

One can either himself be the subject of his own hypnosis, which is known as self hypnosis, or make another individual the subject. The potential of self hypnosis lies in the fact that it allows the person to understand himself better and work towards eradicating his imperfections, be it lack of self confidence, fear of public speaking, or lack of success in career. A slight polishing of the subconscious to peel off the layers of negative thoughts can do miracles in raising enthusiasm and determination in the subject's mind.

Hypnotherapy training can be used as a profession too by helping people who are afflicted with something or the other. All sorts of abnormal behaviour can be corrected by a seasoned hypnotherapist. From anxiety to phobia and from addiction to childhood disorders, hypnosis can provide a remedy for all, if practiced in the right manner. Hypnotherapy can also be displayed on the streets just to create knowledge about the subject and to teach the society about the powers of the subconscious mind.

Through hypnosis training, one can attain expertise for professional use and also develop an ability to deal with hostile situations and tough people, and thus it is a perfect tool for self-renewal for people from diverse professions and of all ages. - 31856

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The Benefits Of Hypnosis

By Samuel Jones

Hypnosis is a process by which an alternate state of consciousness is reached without using any external chemicals or drugs of any kind. Hypnosis is understood to be a state of comfort during which the subject grows more receptive to suggestions. This idea has led to several uses of hypnosis, of which hypnotherapy is the most important.

In hypnotherapy, a person is hypnotized for the singular aim of curing his ailments. The therapy generally aims to eradicate downbeat thoughts from the person's mind.

The human mind is known well by a good hypnotist, who perfectly comprehends its workings and malfunctioning. Thus, a hypnotherapist would know the real reasons that might be hindering a person's growth and eradicating such hindrances with helpful thoughts could give a huge relief to the person.

It has been well documented that hypnotherapy is very successful against addictions of all kinds. It is also helpful in healing stress, improving self-confidence level, and easing pain and despair. It is an excellent remedy for childhood problems as well and can cure common issues like bed-wetting and frequent nightmares.

Hypnotherapy not only helps in personal issues but also in removing inhibitions at the workplace and thus it helps you improve your effectiveness at work. Many people having troubles in their profession have gained greatly from it. The procedure will find out and replace your fears of failure with confidence and positivism. Many thriving politicians and businessmen are known to have used hypnotherapy to bring about a change in their personality, which has helped them in becoming better public speakers and more effective at handling inter-personal relationships.

Self-hypnosis is a very interesting branch of hypnosis. It helps a person to make a voyage towards self-discovery and solves all his negative thinking, setting him well and truly on the path of success. It is also a well known unwinding technique and can be a good mental exercise if performed on a regular basis. The energy that you gain from 8 small sessions of naps is equal to what you achieve from just a 1 hour spell of self-induced hypnosis. That is why hypnosis is also known as a very good way to shake off your fatigue and lethargy.

Hypnosis is not black magic, as many people wrongly think. It is more focussed on proper science and psychology than on anything mysterious. In addition, it is an extremely safe therapy because no drugs or chemicals are used in the process. It is highly recommended for people of all ages who want to change their life for the better. - 31856

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How Hypnosis Training Can Be Of Assistance To You

By Adrian Wilson

Wrong notions about hypnosis have always been prevalent. Most people imagine hypnosis to be some sort of magic. But hypnosis actually has deep roots in science and rationality, and several psychiatrists use hypnosis training for curative purposes.

Hypnosis can be defined as an alternate state of the mind where it is simple for the practitioner to implant thoughts and ideas into the subliminal mind of the subjects. This is exactly how psychiatrists employing hypnosis cure people with mental maladies.

Many institutes of higher learning around the world provide courses on hypnosis training, which can be divided into intermediate and advanced levels. At elementary levels, students are taught the various subtle details of the art and at higher levels they use these techniques to find the crux of any malady.

An individual who has gone through hypnosis training finds the knowledge useful in his professional life. Qualified hypnotherapists are widely engaged as child counsellors or in other such positions of counselling troubled individuals. In fact, hypnotherapy itself is also a recognized profession in a lot of nations.

A trained hypnotherapist himself can be the subject of his own art. Hypnosis training greatly helps in raising self-confidence and bringing other favourable changes into one's personality. Famous men and women have used hypnosis to enhance their personalities. They have become famous public speakers, and attained higher competence and ingenuity. Personnel from the police and armed forces also often undergo hypnosis training as it helps them confront and win over their opponents. The potential of this training is evident from the fact that even thugs involved in robbing and stealing have achieved success in their illegal professions by using hypnosis.

The art of hypnosis is more scientific than mystical as is often believed, and one just needs proper training to acquire it. To make hypnosis a profession however requires much patience to achieve perfection. - 31856

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Why Are The Seven Chakras So Important?

By Jonathan Benjem

Chakras are the focal points of the body where life force energy is generated. Chakra means wheel; and it refers to the spinning sphere of life energy that term represents.

There are six Chakras which are located along the spine and a seventh one above these, removed from the physical element of your body.

While we understand these Chakras as energy, you need to understand that these seven Chakras influence your body.

A healthy alignment of all of the seven Chakras will allow you to maintain your own health and happiness during your life. It is important to understand what each of the chakras is, and what it does for you.


The Muladhara is the chakra of the lower body. It is the root chakra, or the base chakra. This chakra is related to security, to survival, and to instinct. Also, it is related to the potentiality of the basic human life. The center of this chakra is located between the anus and the genitals of a person.

This is the Chakra which corresponds to the adrenal glands in the physical body and produces the fight or flight response.


The Swadhisthana is the chakra that contains the reproductive parts. The chakra is located in the area known as the sacrum. It relates to emotions such as sexuality and creativity. The chakra corresponds to the sexual organs, and produces the sexual hormones that guide our lives.

This chakra can also be responsible for the mood swings that might dominate lives at one point or another. It is symbolized by a six petal lotus. This chakra is in charge of the moods that you might have and the basic sexual and creative flows that exist in your body.


The Manipura is the navel. It is considered to be the solar plexus chakra. This chakra deals with the transitions that are found between base emotions and complex emotions. The chakra itself is in charge of base emotions and complex emotions, and dictates the way that they flow into each other. It deals with the flow of energy, the flow of digestion, and can be compared to the way that the pancreas functions in the body.

This Chakra is responsible for energy flow and digestion - it governs the conversion of food into energy.This Chakra is symbolized by a ten petal lotus.


The Anahata is the heart. It is related to the complex emotions, such as love and compassion, as well as overall well being and equilibrium. The chakra is related to the thymus, which is located in the chest. It is the equivalent to the immune system in a person's body.

This symbol of this Chakra is a twelve petal lotus


The Vishudda is the throat. It is responsible for communication and growth.The symbol of this Chakra is a sixteen petal lotus.

It also controls your powers of communication and corresponds to the thyroid gland in the physical body.


The Anja is your eyebrow or forehead. This Chakra is also known as the third eye. The Ajna comtrols your visualization abilities and is the Chakra which has to do with time, light and awareness.

This is the Chakra with the vital function of governing the sleep cycle. This Chakra is symbolized by a two petal lotus.


The Sahasrara is the final Chakra. This is the Chakra which is responsible for consciousness; it is connected to every other system in your body and is the most important element in consciousness. This Chakra corresponds to the pituitary gland in the physical body. The symbol of this Chakra is a thousand petal lotus. - 31856

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Hypnotist Lose Weight For Losing Weight Permanently

By Pamela Johnson

A wide range of products right from food supplements to costly equipments is available in the market for reducing weight. Then also, it is found that losing weight permanently is a difficult task. The primary requisites for a permanent weight reduction are dietary modification and work outs. That is why hypnotist lose weight is becoming popular these days. Hypnosis has been used for curing different types of diseases.

Those people who are suspicious about hypnosis do not realize the fact that over 90% of us can be hypnotized. The truth is that almost all of us are experiencing hypnosis every day. While watching a movie we are actually in a trance and we fail to differentiate reality and fantasy. We get so immersed in the story that we feel the same emotions as if it had occurred to us.

Many people depend on hypnotherapy for overcoming problems like smoking, phobias, lack of confidence etc. Hypnotist lose weight helps the dieter change habits that can lead to weight gain. It aids in putting an end to emotional, comfort and binge eating, developing a positive attitude toward the process of weight loss, stopping yearnings for fatty foods and creating longing for healthy foods. Apart from these, the person gets the confidence to join a local gym.

Different options are there for using hypnosis for weight loss. You can go through the session with the help of a hypnotist in his office. If that is not feasible you have the opportunity to buy tapes or videos to listen to in the comfortable environment of your home. Self hypnosis can be undergone with the help of e-books which teach you how to do it.

If it is not done in the proper manner hypnotist lose weight can be a risky affair. Experienced hypnotists will help you to go through the session in the systematic way. Hypnosis is the process of influencing your sub conscious mind. It alters your attitude towards food and exercise resulting in overall good health and reduction in weight. You will be really surprised to notice the difference hypnosis brings about in your life. - 31856

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Important Facts You Need to Know About Self Hypnosis

By Ben Kalio

The modern world has brought people a lot of preoccupation. It made living faster yet complicated, it made interactions wider yet shorter, and it made communication easier yet brief. Despite the so many preoccupations brought by media created by people, there are also those who would want to get back to their original self and connect with it in the most basic possible means. One of these is self hypnosis. Defined as a "process involving a hypnotist and a subject who agrees to be hypnotized," self hypnosis is characterized by intense concentration, extreme relaxation, and high suggestibility to both parties.

Experts say that the self hypnosis is versatile. In fact, its versatility can be quite unequaled. Self hypnosis can take place in various social settings and continue to change social settings dramatically. Not like before where settings of self hypnosis are quite limited, today the sessions between the hypnotist and the subject can take place in common places such as clinics, showrooms, classrooms, and even to open spaces and establishments.

Others use self hypnosis in order to recover concealed memories of people who have had bad experiences to help them overcome the problems that they are dealing with right now while other hypnotherapists use hypnosis to discover hidden truths from a person's ordinary consciousness.

A lot of people perceive that self hypnosis is a trance-like altered state of a person's consciousness while others believe that it is a way of accessing a person's unconscious mind that is filled to suppressed memories, repressed multiple personalities, various magical insights, and unforgettable memories of the past life.

Nowadays, self hypnosis is not only used for treating various behavioral problems but also for self-enhancement and improvement. Experts say that self hypnosis is one of the excellent ways of taking control over one's life. In fact, it can be used as means of disciplining yourself if you want to achieve a specific goal. For some people, self-hypnosis is advisable if you want to achieve something and utmost dedication and discipline is needed.

If you are planning to get on self hypnosis course, expect that it can teach you to reach your subconscious mind through bypassing your conscious mind as well as how to communicate with your subconscious mind, how to design and use affirmations, the effects and use of symbols on the subconscious mind, how to understand which methods will be most effective for you personally, adapting to scripts to suit various problems, how to change your personal history and plan a more effective future and how to understand your dreams as well. - 31856

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Yes - The Cosmic Ordering Service Does Home Deliveries!

By Gina Daad

Due to the publicity surrounding the cosmic ordering service over the last year or so, more and more people are becoming aware of the fact that it is actually possible to order whatever you want from the universe and it will provide it.

It seems that everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon now that so many celebrities are vouching for it. The question remains though, what are your chances of success as an average person?

The fact of the matter is it can work for everyone. However, if you have tried and not had any success then you should look deeper. The chances are you were subconsciously preventing yourself from obtaining the things you desire.

The cosmic ordering service allows you to have anything you desire. This is of course something with which some people disagree, saying they have never had the desire to be ill or to become seriously injured for example and yes, they are absolutely right.

In order to understand this, we need to grasp the fact that the universe only understands positives. If for example, you say you have no desire to be ill; this is interpreted as negative, as you have directed the focus on bad health.

You should aim to seek desires from a more positive aspect so, instead of what you don't want, rather desire what you do want. For example, you could say, I'm so healthy it's of little wonder that I never get ill.

Perhaps you have failed here as well and if so, you're not alone. Many people who attempt this, tend to affirm how they are at present, instead of how they could be with a little help from the universe. When you make affirmations, think to the future and how perfect it can be, rather than dwell on the imperfect present moment.

Life brings to us the belief systems of others. The kids in the third grade that teased you because you were fat, skinny, had glasses or didn't wear the best clothes changed the belief that you have for yourself.

Right from birth, children are continuously taught just how wrong it is to want too much, or even how wrong it is to get too much. The fact is though, if this was a perfect world, our parents would have taught us that we do in fact deserve everything we want, without having to make huge sacrifices.

This is all wrong. There is more than enough for everyone. The fact that you exist means you're allowed to order. You cannot take from others. This actually negates the system.

If you look around yourself, be happy for those who have more than you because really, it further strengthens the argument that there is enough wealth for all. Don't begrudge others, because in so doing, you'll only be reinforcing your own negative thoughts, once again directing focus to the negative rather than the positive.

Does positive thinking really make a difference? Yes, and to stress that point, lets not forget that scientific studies have proven the human brain creates waves of energy capable of moving a quark, the smallest physical particle known to man.

The most difficult aspect of this entire process is to free ourselves from all those entrenched beliefs. All those negative beliefs which are so firmly embedded in our memories have to be cleared away, and in order to achieve that, you'll have to use every single tool available.

Fret not because there are indeed some very powerful tools at our disposal. Subliminal suggestion and self-hypnosis are just two of them but indeed, both are extremely powerful, as both target our subconscious minds, the area of our minds on which we need to focus. Through gaining access to this region of our minds, we are able to systematically wipe away those thoughts which are currently denying us the benefit of the cosmic ordering service.

You can control your destiny by ordering exactly what you want. You have to be strong enough to believe that you'll get it. Use techniques that help you reinforce your belief that the cosmic ordering system gives you everything you desire. - 31856

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Why Bother With Lucid Dreaming?

By Jamie Barry

Lucid dreaming, also known as conscious dreaming, is the ability for one to be aware that one is actually dreaming. In other words, if you have a dream and you're actually aware of the fact that the events which are taking place are not really happening, but that it's only a dream, then you're having a lucid dream. Furthermore, one can also have a certain amount of control over a lucid dream which of course is not the case with a regular dream.

Being in a position where you have full control over the direction of your dreams is something which nobody can truly imagine until they actually experience it. In fact, it is such an incredible feeling that one could almost say it comes straight out of a science fiction novel. All of a sudden it feels as though you no longer have any limits in your life.

Is it really as simple and as straightforward as what it appears to be? Is it really possible for anyone to experience lucid dreaming?

The fact of the matter is; lucid dreaming is far from being a difficult a task. If you are determined to master this powerful skill, there are numerous tried and tested ways to achieving your goal.

The first thing you need to do is to become absolutely certain as to why you want to master the art of lucid dreaming. Do you just want to have your own private playground in the form of lucid dreams, or is there some other specific reason for developing this skill? Your primary concern here is, you need to understand your reason clearly.

The next step regarding the process of developing your skill is that you will need to master a process which is known as "dream recall". This will then allow you to recall details of the dreams you have. You need to bear in mind that unless you are capable of remembering a dream, you won't be able to master the art of lucid dreaming.

Irrespective of what others may have told you, this process can be painfully slow. It can however be achieved a lot quicker if you maintain a "dream recall register". Maintaining such a register will allow you to record as many details as possible with regards to your last dream. Providing you continue doing this you will with time come to realize that you are able to remember everything about a dream.

In many ways it comes as little surprise that a vast number of people have found hypnosis to be extremely advantageously with regards to reducing the time it takes to prepare your subconscious mind. In many instances one can achieve the desired results with just one or two to hypnosis sessions, after which time you'll be in a position where you can successfully remember all your dreams.

While in a lucid dream, it may happen that suddenly you are wide-awake. However, because of all the effort you've already put into conditioning your mind, if this happens to you, you'll have no problem reconnecting all the important details and once you're done so, you simply need to relax in order to go to sleep again. When you do, you'll be able to once again continue with your dream and upon waking up, you'll realize fully, the power of conscious dreaming.

Another method which comes highly recommended, is that you go back to sleep again after you wake up. You can do this simply by setting your alarm to go off an hour or two before you're scheduled to get up. When the alarm goes off, turn it off and go back to sleep. These dreams are the closest to lucid dreams and you can be rest assured, you'll start wondering if they were even dreams to start off with.

As far as this is concerned, you may find it extremely beneficial to keep track of your sleeping patterns in order to determine the best time for you to have a lucid dream.

Interestingly enough, lucid dreaming is also known for its ability to help people cope with various sleeping disorders such as insomnia. If you have difficulty in falling asleep you simply need to persuade your mind that going to sleep and lucid dreaming go hand in hand. It will only be a matter of time before your mind takes charge and takes care of any thoughts which may be preventing you from sleeping.

Thanks to recent advances in sound technologies, it no longer requires an excessive amount of time in order to master the art of lucid dreaming. In fact, these breakthroughs have made it considerably easier for people to learn the skill.

Nowadays, more and more to people are discovering that the easiest and most reliable way of being able to have a lucid dream, his by listening to binaural beats audios.

Essentially, these work due to the fact that there's a slight difference in frequency between the sounds played in each year. This results in a noticeable amount of relaxation and it also helps to bring the brain waves to the correct frequency.

Prior to the advent of this technology, people could only rely on hypnosis and for most people, that was simply too much of a struggle, not to mention the amount of time required.

The bottom line is; that by making use of by binaural beats, you should be able to experience lucid dreaming relatively soon after your first attempt, particularly if you combine this sound technology with hypnosis. - 31856

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The Principle Of The Cosmic Order Service

By Jamie-Lee Day

The cosmic order service is an ancient concept but has become extremely popular over the last decade. Many famous people and celebrities are raving about it and giving credit of their success to having made a cosmic order. How does the cosmic order service work? And what makes it work for some and not for others?

In order to understand this phenomenon we must understand the complexities of the mind. The mind is a marvelous thing. The brain is a physical matter that holds this brilliant computer, the mind. You can have anything you desire, if you just believe that it is possible and right for you to have it.

Recent studies have shown that the tiniest bits of matter known as quarks move about and when they jump levels, quantum leaps, they have the capacity to actually change the matter's make up. What makes them jump levels? The answer is; Energy. It is what the mind creates continuously. It makes sense that if you direct the energy to what you desire, you create your own reality.

Some of us are not aware that we can change the pattern of our life. This is because we do not know how about it. Most of us get disappointed and become hopeless when we see the failures of other people. We only notice the imperfections rather than the provisions. We tend to envy their success and what others achieve. We never thought that we can do it also for ourselves and that we can also be successful with our own abilities.

For quite some time people have been manipulated by wrong thinking. It has been the bad attitude of most of us that we tend to be disappointed whenever we face challenges and unfavorable circumstances. If only we are aware that everyone has his own choice of good destiny. It is just a matter of believing in the good things that may possibly happen.

It has been believed that people have to work hard in order to get the respect of others and if they are not fortunate to get quality life it is because they never worked hard for it. All they can do is accept and be content of whatever life can give them.

Your mind will only manifest what you ask it to. Ideas which say that it's a sin to have an abundance of health, wealth and happiness will only get you what you believe. You cant expect steak when you are actually ordering bread crusts in the cosmic order service.

You can bring about a dramatic and positive change in your life but for that you will have to go deep into the mind to undo years of negative conditioning. Positive thinking works only if your mind is convinced about what you are telling or repeating to it. You need to first get rid of every thought of failure that you have believed in so far.

Some psychological and ritual processes such as self-hypnosis, affirmations and yoga or any related mind relaxation and rejuvenation will help you connect to the positive energy. Listening to the correct sound frequencies is a recent development can allow your brainwaves to resonate to the state needed for meditation and connection to the universe.

These techniques help to balance the brain waves and allow you to get in touch with your subconscious mind, the storehouse of tremendous energy. These techniques help you to remove the old negative patterns and create a new positive request from the cosmic order service.

Nothing comes free in this world. The price for whatever you desire from the cosmic order service is knowledge. The knowledge that you can be and have whatever you want in this very lifetime. All you need to do is get rid of old beliefs and instill new ones. This requires courage, patience and persistence but can lead to a lifetime of pleasure and happiness. - 31856

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Hypnosis Stop Smoking - The Whole World Is Talking About It

By David Hughes

Everybody knows that smoking is bad. But many of us start the habit for some reason or the other and get addicted to nicotine. Habitual smoking, in turn, brings lung cancer, heart attack etc. In addition, your life becomes hell due to the attack of smaller by persistent ailments like chronic cough, breathing problems etc. Smokers are invariably doomed for a premature death. So it is imperative that they quit the habit before it is too late. Those who actually want to quit can try hypnosis to achieve total success. We would discuss here about how hynosis stop smoking.

Out mind is a proven depot of concealed talents, but only a fraction of us uses this to the full potential. This occurs due to either the lack of knowledge about the inner hidden gifts or the lack of courage to unleash the powers stored in the brain. Such people often develop wrong character traits and harmful habits. Habitual smokers, drunkards, drug addicts, compulsive eaters etc are products of such lack of will power. These habits usually would not leave even with the best individual efforts because both the mind and body looks upon them for sustenance. Additionally, many people refuse to believe that the habit can be kicked, which is the root cause of failures of all corrective measures.

Hypnosis, which is best suited to alter our thinking patterns, is best suited to remove smoking habits permanently. The process is easy to follow, but it requires the conscious consent of the subject to make it a success. Hynosis stop smoking can be done through either self-hypnosis or with the help of a hypnotist working in the field of addiction eradication.

Self-hypnosis kits consisting of specific recordings etc are available through internet shops or vendors. But the services of a psychologist here entail charges per session, costs of additional recordings etc. Experienced hypnotists can alter your worldview and lifestyles easily and permanently.

Once you decide that you need the help of hynosis stop smoking tactics, please do not wait but plunge wholeheartedly into it instantly. A nicotine-free life is waiting for you. Your life after de-addiction would be a path full of success, love and all joys of life. - 31856

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Learning Meditation To Improve Your Health

By Trevor Johnson

It seems like so many people are learning meditation these days, but why should you? At one time, it was only followers of spiritual practices such as yoga or Buddhism that were meditating. But now, even doctors recommend it for stress relief and overall health improvement.

There are many research studies out which show the benefits of learning meditation for relieving stress. By meditating and relaxing your breathing, you actually slow down your nervous system. Your whole body and your mind as well relax as a result. With regular meditation, symptoms such as high blood pressure have been shown to improve.

But making the decision to meditate is just the beginning. How do you learn? Once you start doing a bit of research, you will find that there are an overwhelming number of meditation forms to choose from. Information can come from books or you can attend a seminar or workshop. And some of these are days long- not easy to fit around your work schedule!

A very simple way to start meditating is by breathing, something you were doing anyway. In this case, you want to try breathing slowly and deeply but naturally. Try to imagine that you are breathing into your stomach rather than your lungs. Every time you breathe in and out, count one. When you reach ten, just start all over again.

Generally, people will tell you that you need to empty your mind for meditation. But this is extremely difficult to do at first. Counting breaths will give your mind something to do but does not take away from the ability to relax. Breathing deeply in this manner also will help you to relax your mind and body.

Of course, as with many things, the instructions are simple but not as easy to put into practice. The first consideration is putting aside the time to do it. Quiet times are best, which is why it is often done very early in the morning or late at night. Start small, with just ten minutes a day. Get comfortable with those ten minutes before you try to add more. At first even that is going to be difficult but with time and practice it will get easier and you will reap the benefits very quickly. - 31856

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The Power Of Lucid Dreams

By Gary Scraysbrook

Did you know that there exist some kinds of dreams which you can actually control while being aware that you are dreaming? These dreams are known as lucid dreams. In such dreams you are dreaming but you can direct your dreams like a movie. You can decide the actors, the setting and even the story! You can even decide the dialogues!

Lucid dreams can be anything. From a sci-fi fantasy to an adventure or a fairy tale romance, you can dream about anything. Unlike real life, lucid dreams have unlimited possibilities. All you need is imagination.

While normal dreams are uncontrollable and completely dependent on the realms of the subconscious, lucid dreams are completely controllable. There are times when lucid dreams become so vivid and so genuine that you may need to even make sure that you are dreaming!

One way to make sure that you are dreaming is to attempt reading a book or paper. If you are dreaming your words are sure to change and make reading impossible. If you can't read then it's a lucid dream.

You may be having a fantasy about someone you want to be with. This may be impossible in real life, but of course anything is possible when you are lucid dreaming.

In a lucid dream, you can change the outcome if you don't like how the dream is heading. If you imagine you are with your loved one that has passed, you might dream that they are still alive because you were able to get to them to warn them of their upcoming demise, for example. Controlling your dream for the desired outcome is part of lucid dreaming.

Because your body has a biological need to sleep, your mind can remain in a semi-conscious state while your body is resting, which is what makes lucid dreams physically possible.

Lucid dreaming needs some techniques which can be learnt by some practice and patience.

You can begin by doing some dream recall everyday. Each day try to recall the dreams that you had in the night. You need to remember them to the last possible detail. It's a great idea to keep some paper and pen handy to record your dreams. In the beginning you may not recall all the details. That's not a problem. However, with constant practice, you will find dreams repeating themselves. This will enable you to completely record your dream. Make this a habit and soon you will have all your dreams recorded and can refer to them when you want.

If you are a writer this information is invaluable. You may have your next novel lined up. In a lucid dream you create the scenes and actions. The dream ends the way you want it to. Lucid dreaming is a time to pacify our inner ambitions and desires and plan their execution in reality.

You need to make it habit to recall each and every detail about your dream. Once you do that, try sleeping again and if possible try to start the dream where you left and continue your dream from there. The dreams will repeat themselves so you can delve into more details every time that happens.

If you wake before your normal time, let's say you have a couple of hours to go; this is the easiest time for lucid dreaming. It may seem like you have been awake and thinking all the time, but you have actually been lucid dreaming.

Techniques, such as self-hypnosis can sometimes help you to recall vividly your lucid dreams, but many people find recalling lucid dreams easy to do.

Another quick way of experiencing lucid dreams is to use a modern technique known as binaural beats. This involves using unique frequencies to synchronize the hemispheres of the brain which will automatically put your brainwaves in a frequency which corresponds to the state of lucid dreaming. - 31856

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